Recruiting Comrades to Mobilize and Be Mobilized

With the three-month pilot of our mobilizer program coming to a close, we're looking for a new batch of engaged, enthusiastic comrades with active listening skills to help build community with socialists in your neighborhood, support comrades in your area, and motivate members to be more active in our chapter!

Members of all experience levels are welcome. You just need to be enthusiastic about our campaigns and activities and prepared to spend three to five hours a week contacting comrades in your vicinity, meeting up with them for coffee or a beer, and checking in with them by phone and email.

We'll help you mobilize with

  • Organizing trainings
  • A weekly mobilizer digest to help you keep track of upcoming events and ways for people to plug in
  • Weekly check-ins with a head mobilizer to get guidance, support, and comradeship
  • Meetups with your fellow mobilizers to celebrate successes, share approaches, and work through challenges

With our chapter now exceeding 900 comrades, tight-knit connections are crucial to transform our membership into an engine for solidarity and socialist organizing! If you're ready to mobilize or would like to be mobilized, sign up below.

Sign Up