Jovanka Post-Primary Richmond Canvass Kickoff!

Electoral Committee

May 18, 2024

As we fight for labor endorsements and score major political endorsements like the Working Families party and LPAC, this has been a wild week for vital factors in Jovanka's race!

But the most important thing will always be, our direct outreach to voters, person to person, face to face, and heart to heart!

That's why we're commencing in earnest with our new literature, new yard signs, and new scripts from Jovanka's home turf and home base in Richmond!

Join us to canvass (coffee and snacks provided!) at 11 AM Saturday May 18th from the Richmond Progressive Alliance office at 12929 San Pablo Ave!

Direct any questions to Otto at (415) 971-9559, and as ever, Let's Win This!


When: May 18, 2024, 11:00am - 2:00pm
Where: 12929 San Pablo Ave, Richmond - 12929 San Pablo Ave, Richmond, CA, 94805
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