East Bay Organizing Fair

Steering Committee

November 17, 2024

No matter who wins the presidential election, the task of socialist organizers in the Bay Area will remain the same - we need to build build independent, working-class organization and campaigns capable of taking on capitalist bosses, greedy landlords, racist cops, and opposing US support for Israel and genocide.

There are a number of exciting, volunteer-run campaigns, ranging from efforts to divest local governments from Israel to ongoing support for workers forming new unions in the Bay Area, that all need support from organizers, artists, designers, and writers.  

Whether you're brand new to organizing or a seasoned veteran looking to plug into existing work, all are welcome!

This event will take place at Snow Park by Lake Merritt - the backup location in case of rain will be the East Bay DSA office at 1610 Harrison St in Oakland. RSVP to make sure you get updates!


When: November 17, 2024, 12:15pm - 2:00pm
Where: Snow Park - Harrison St & 19th St, Lakeside Dr, Oakland, CA, 94612
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