🌹 YDSA x EBDSA Block Cop City Takeover

Block Cop Campus

December 9, 2024

Are you a Cal student or community member interested in blocking Cop City Bay Area and building a society free of policing and prisons?

San Pablo’s $44 million Cop Campus already has numerous opponents, across the city and the entire Bay. Tenants and the unhoused, Palestinians and Afrikans, anarchists and socialists, unions and abolitionists—no one wants yet another police training facility in San Pablo… Except for the police, the Parties, and Property. This is why they've now added promises of affordable housing to the copaganda bag of tricks; even as they plan to churn out union-busters, camp-clearers, and school 'resource officers' all across the Bay.

UC Berkeley YDSA and East Bay DSA's Block Cop City Campaign will be hosting a Block Cop City takeover on campus! Come to build a community and a better world. We'll have a brief teach-in on what Cop City Bay Area is, along with an art build and phone zap for a future action against the construction! Dinner will be provided!


When: December 9, 2024, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Where: Dwinelle Hall room 182 - South Dr, Berkeley, CA, 94720
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