Steering Committee Meeting: July 22, 2018

East Bay DSA Steering Committee Meeting, July 22, 2018, 12:00–3:00 p.m.

Introductions and Opening Statements

The meeting was called to order by Abigail G.-G., who chaired the meeting along with Zach M. Mark G. was taking notes. Also present at the meeting were Megan S., Sean M., Aaron H., Nestor C., Hasan A., and Keith B. B. Hannah E. and Dominic D. attended via video call.

Committee chairs Hannah K., Dan D., Coleman L., Andrew R., Joey K., Graham D., William S., Matt S., Robbie N., Jamie G., and Frances R. were also present.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by general consent.

Committee Reports

The recording secretary made a report outlining the new structure for committee reports and note-taking procedure.

The treasurer then delivered a report regarding the current finances of the chapter and the PAC, which included an announcement that the chapter will begin to receive a portion of monthly national dues that the chapter's members pay, in accordance with the new program of dues sharing with the national DSA organization. The secretary also recommended that the chapter should have a fundraiser in the next few months to raise money for coming expenses.

Following the recording secretary and treasurer's reports, committee chairs delivered reports.

Following the reports, a motion to suspend the rules and move the agenda item "Committee Development Going Forward" to come before "New Business" was PASSED by a majority vote.

Committee Development Going Forward

Megan S. led a presentation which included a reminder to committees that they should be formalizing their structures, recording those formalized structures, and sending that information to the chapter recording secretary.

During the discussion, there was a proposal raised for the development of an internal guide for committees, outlining the requirements for committees and relevant examples that could be helpful in the process. Committees that have existing rules and structures will share those with committees that have not yet finalized for reference.

Chairs Zach M. and Abigail G.-G. will support committees with this process moving forward, scheduling regularly check-ins with committees to help facilitate the formalization of structures.

Following the presentation, the committee co-chairs were dismissed from the meeting with the option to stay if they chose. Andrew R., Joey K., Jamie G., and Matt S. remained. Steering Committee member Dominic D. had to leave the meeting at this time as well.

New Business

Budget for Monthly Open Super Committee Meetings

Submitted by Jack M, motivated by Jamie G.


This November, we have an unprecedented opportunity to repeal Costa-Hawkins, an important first step to achieving housing justice in our state by passing Proposition 10, and elect democratic socialist legislator Jovanka Beckles to the CA State Assembly, who has deep roots in working-class movements.


We need as many members as possible to work on the campaigns to pass Prop 10 and elect Jovanka Beckles if we hope to affect the election


The Medicare For All Committee, the Social Housing Committee, and the Electoral Committee have combined forces to form the Campaign Super Committee until the election on November 6 to focus on these strategic campaigns


Open Committee meetings are the best place for new members/members who aren’t yet involved in projects and campaigns to get information and get involved

Therefore it be resolved

The Steering Committee shall approve funding of $200/month through November 2018 to fund rental space for 1 Open Campaign Super Committee Meeting per month.

The resolution PASSED with a unanimous vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.

To Fund Campaign Office Space

Submitted by Jack M, motivated by Jamie G.


Jovanka Beckles’ campaign has rented office space at 814 Jones Street to have a home base in Berkeley for campaign activities and has offered use of the space to EBDSA for campaign activities


A major goal of working on the campaigns to pass Prop 10 and elect Jovanka Beckles is to collaborate with other working-class forces and progressive organizations and build an organic social base for socialist politics in the long term


Contributing to the rental cost of the office will build solidarity with Jovanka’s campaign and other organizations who will be sharing the space

Therefore it be resolved

The Steering Committee will commit to funding a $100 per month contribution toward the rent of this office space through November 2018

Following discussion, the resolution PASSED with a unanimous vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.

To Fund the Purchase of a Printer

Submitted by Jack M, motivated by Jamie G.


Printing costs were a large proportion of the costs associated with EBDSA’s primary campaign to elect Jovanka Beckles and Gayle McLaughlin and EBDSA has spent more than $700 on printing in the past year for activities unrelated to the primary


Printing our own materials will be less expensive than going to a print shop


Access to free printing is inconsistent and contingent on having certain members involved in a project


Printing leave-behinds and walk lists is an essential task for EBDSA’s campaign operations and printing agendas, promotional materials, and quarter sheets is essential for many other EBDSA activities


We will now have physical office space at 814 Jones Street to put the printer

Therefore it be resolved

The Steering Committee will commit as much as $400 to fund the purchase of a printer and toner/ink to be housed at 814 Jones Street through the campaign

Therefore be it resolved

That the printer be available for use for all large EBDSA printing needs and that after the end of the campaign, the Steering Committee will identify someone to coordinate use and storage of the printer.

Following discussion and amendment, the resolution PASSED by a unanimous vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.

Resolution to Endorse the National Prison Strike

Submitted and motivated by by Hasan A.

Whereas, as socialists, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America are committed to supporting working class struggle and recognize the ways mass incarceration and militarized policing allows capitalism to absorb the poor and working class without the consequence of political destabilization that mass poverty can bring;

Whereas, as socialists, we are committed to the struggle against racism in all its forms as part of the project of unifying the diverse working class and winning the fight to end capitalism. We are committed to fighting for concrete gains in the lives of all working people and reject the racist and patriarchal capitalism of our current society;

Whereas, as socialists, we recognize the centrality and importance of struggles within the prison system in not only improving the lives of oppressed people, but in building their power;

Whereas, incarcerated prison organizers have called from behind the walls for a “National Prison Strike” from August 21 to Sept 9, 2018, issued a set of demands and guidelines and requested outside support (1).

Whereas, the national demands set forth by incarcerated prison organizers include both the abolition of prison slavery, and the enfranchisement of voting rights for all confined citizens serving prison sentences, pretrial detainees, and so-called “ex-felons” (1).

Whereas, the DSA has previously resolved to call for the total abolition of police and prisons, and the East Bay DSA has previously resolved to support both labor struggles and electoral organizing which build the power and militancy of the working class (2).

Let it be resolved, that the East Bay DSA endorses the National Prison Strike, and that it's name should be added to the list of endorsing organizations.

During discussion and clarifying questions, there was a successful motion to divide the question — separating the final paragraph of the original resolution, to be debated separately in the following resolution.

Following debate and division of the question, the above resolution PASSED by a unanimous vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.

Resolution to Endorse the National Prison Strike, Part 2

Originally submitted as a part of the Resolution to Endorse the National Prison Strike

Following the division of the question, this paragraph from the preceding resolution was motivated by Hasan A.

Let it be further resolved, that the East Bay DSA pledges support for the National Prison Strike, and will encourage members and caucuses to engage in material support work, including but not limited to the formation of anti-repression phone trees to engage in campaigns against facilities retaliating against inside organizers and strike participants.

Following discussion, this resolution was TABLED, to allow time for further clarification and consultation with relevant stakeholders.

Steering Committee Discussion

Discussion of the Officer Vacancy on the Steering Committee

Zach M. led a discussion regarding the vacant position on the Steering Committee. This conversation was focused on the discovery that Robert's Rules indicates that the vice chair shall assume the position of co-chair, if the co-chair is removed.

Robert’s Rules also indicates that the Steering Committee may appoint a member to the vacant position, but that this is not required. The co-chairs prefer that the now vacant vice-chair position would be taken to vote of the general membership, as opposed to an appointment by the Steering Committee.

After discussion and debate on the matter, it was decided that Steering Committee members will work to draft a proposal(s) for how to proceed, which will then be discussed and voted upon by the Steering Committee in the following week.

Following this discussion, the meeting time was extended by 15 minutes by a unanimous vote.

Discussion of Saturday's General Meeting

Abigail G.-G. led a discussion of a proposed statement regarding the events of the July 2018 general meeting. The discussion included review and debate of a draft statement and the best way to proceed.

During the discussion, the meeting time was extended by 10 minutes. Zach M. made a motion for the chairs to release a statement following a 24-hour period of comments and revision by Steering Committee members. The motion PASSED with a unanimous vote.


The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


The following resolutions were voted on via email in the interim period between regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Steering Committee.

Motion to Fund Recurring Payments for Domain Name and Password Manager

Submitted by Sean M. and Dominic D.

On June 27, Abigail G-G called an email vote for the following motion.

Whereas the authorization of recurring expenses requires the approval of the Steering Committee

Whereas people may naturally navigate to ‘’ despite that our actual website domain is ‘’

Whereas other organizations seeking to undermine East Bay DSA may purchase the domain name ‘’

Whereas a password manager will allow the Steering Committee and other members as necessary to safely control access to Chapter accounts (eg. email, social media, CRMs etc)

Whereas ‘’ costs only $12/year and a password manager may cost at least $5/month.

Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee authorizes the recurring payment of ‘’ for $12/year and a password manager for up to $20/month.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 8 in favor and none opposed.

Proposal to Fund Emergency East Bay DSA New Member Meeting

Submitted by Coleman L

On July 1, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following proposal.

Whereas, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ stunning win over Democratic Party Rep. Joe Crowley has created national buzz about democratic socialism, introducing mass amounts of people to socialist ideas.

Whereas, East Bay DSA has not held a new member informational meeting since the Local Convention in April, when the organization elected a new leadership and voted on a priorities resolutions for the year.

Whereas, DSA nationally has seen a surge in membership growth since Cortez’s victory, growing above 40,000 members total nation-wide.

Whereas, providing resources such as: online promotion, upcoming events handouts, food, water, and organizing materials is essential to a functional, accessible, and successful event.

Therefore be it resolved, the Steering Committee approve funding of the New Member Informational Meeting on July 7, from 11am-1pm at Bushrod Park in Oakland. This would entail a total cost of $200 dollars for event materials, promotion, and food.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 7 in favor and none opposed.

Motion to Approve Recurring Expenses for Phone Number Rental in Text Bank Applications and Cloud Server for Voter File 

Submitted by Sean M

On July 1, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following motion.

Whereas text banking offers EBDSA a time-efficient way to contact members and other people in our database

Whereas NationBuilder does not easily support the tracking of information and RSVPs alongside a phone bank or text bank

Whereas applications that integrate with NationBuilder require the rental of phone numbers to support text banking and each phone number costs $2 per month

Whereas the storage of voter files on individuals’ computers increases risk of data being outside the Chapter’s access and makes collaboration difficult

Whereas cloud storage is a safe and effective method for storing data and the chapter’s Heroku account is not preferable for hosting files as large as voter files

Therefore be it resolved that the Chapter shall fund phone number rentals not to exceed $20 per month for phone number rentals that support text banking and a cloud storage service not to exceed $15 per month to store voter files.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 7 in favor and none opposed.

Resolution to Support Justice for Nia Wilson

Submitted by Robbie N

On July 23, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas, a young black Oakland resident named Nia Wilson was brutally murdered on BART near MacArthur station on July 22, 2018, and her sister was critically injured.

Whereas, East Bay DSA stands against all forms of racism, and especially racialized violence against working-class communities in the East Bay.

Whereas, there will be at least one and potentially more vigils and protests about the murder of Nia Wilson.

Therefore be it resolved, that the Steering Committee of EBDSA strongly condemns this racialized violence, and demands justice for Nia Wilson.

Therefore be it further resolved, the SC of EBDSA will encourage our members via social media to attend the event entitled “SayHerName Nia Wilson,” to be held at 5:30 pm at MacArthur BART station on June 23rd, 2018.

Therefore be it further resolved, the SC of EBDSA may use social media to encourage member attendance and participation at further demonstrations demanding justice for Nia Wilson.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 9 in favor and none opposed.

Proposal to Fund the Purchase of a Portable Speaker and Mic

Submitted by Coleman L

On July 25, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following proposal.

Whereas, East Bay DSA holds meetings at many locations and venues in the East Bay with varying levels of audio-visual and accessibility capabilities.

Whereas, members often give speeches at said meetings.

Whereas, accessibility is a key concern and goal of EBDSA.

Whereas, EBDSA members have already used this product before to give speeches and play music and it has worked swimmingly.

Therefore be it resolved, the Local Council approve the funding of the chapter with an ION Audio Block Rocker iPA76A. This would entail a total cost of $160 dollars including shipping and handling costs.

Therefore be it resolved, the Member Engagement Committee and the Campaigns Supercommittee be charged with creating a system for storage and check-out.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 7 in favor and none opposed.

Resolution to Endorse the Sweep Out the Fascists Rally

Written by Dominic D.

On July 26, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas the so-called alt-right movement continues to promote fascism, white supremacy and xenophobia under the guise of "free speech" and civic nationalism, emboldening hate speech and violence against the most marginalized members of the working class;

Whereas it is incumbent upon socialists to create or join a popular movement against racism, sexism, and other violent ideologies that the serve to divide the working class;

Whereas defeating bigotry and white supremacy requires popular resistance and a united front among leftists and allies. Only a mass movement of the working class can make far-right actors feel isolated and disempowered to commit violence against marginalized communities;

Whereas EBDSA participated in and spoke at last year's successful Rally Against Hate in August 2017 to oppose a hate-filled rally put on by the alt-right in Berkeley;

Whereas a group of alt-right organizers has again planned a rally in downtown Berkeley for August 5, 2018 as part of a week-long nationwide "commemoration" of the hateful acts that took place nearly a year ago in Charlottesville, in which DeAndre Harris was beaten and Heather Heyer murdered;

Whereas a coalition of East Bay organizations is organizing a counter festival "Sweep Out the Fascists" in opposition to the alt-right celebration of hate and bigotry, and multiple caucuses within EBDSA have already pledged their support;

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA endorses the "Sweep Out the Fascists festival against hate" rally to be held on August 5, 2018 at Ohlone Park in Berkeley from 2 - 7pm and will encourage members to attend;

Be it further resolved that the chapter may use social media to encourage member attendance and participation in the festival;

Be it further resolved that Jamie G., Emma E., Regina L.-C., Jackie A., and Hien N. will take the lead in coordinating with the festival on behalf of EBDSA and organizing an EBDSA contingent, with support from relevant organizers in the Communications and other committees;

Be it further resolved that the chapter allocates funds not to exceed $200 for necessary supplies for the event, including but not limited to sign making, water, security team vests, etc.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.