Candidate Statement: Allie L. - Co-Chair

Comrades, I am honored to be considered for Co-Chair of East Bay DSA! This is a crucial time for our chapter and the broader Left. We have two options: we can either flounder and lose the steam we had with the Bernie Sanders campaign, or we can take full advantage of the political conditions created by COVID-19 and expand upon the existing rapid organizing for radical demands being made by workers and tenants alike. The immediate and critical tasks of the new Steering Committee will be to take stock of our membership, relationships and coalitions, provide strong political education and leadership development for our organizers, adapt our tactics, strategies and member engagement to adhere to social distancing guidelines, and determine the best and most strategic campaigns to grow and build power, with an eye on 2022 and beyond.

In the last two years, I have been a key leader in the East Bay for Bernie campaign, strategized around communications and social media, served as co-chair of the Housing Committee, and helped open our office. I serve At-Large on the current Steering Committee. 

As Co-Chair, I hope to not only support our chapter in building effective campaigns, but to work collaboratively across political tendencies to foster a healthy, engaged, and growing chapter membership that reflects the characteristics of the working class of the East Bay. I also hope to bring my socialist feminist values to the role, leading the chapter to directly confront the ways in which patriarchy, white supremacy and all oppressions impact our daily lives. I am running with the Organize for Power slate, and I am a part of the national Socialist Majority Caucus. I would be honored to serve as Co-Chair of our chapter and humbly ask for your vote. Solidarity forever!