Candidate Statement: Annika B. - At Large

I'm a current At-Large Steering Committee member and a leader of our chapter's Design Working Group, and I'm proud to be running with the Bread & Roses slate for reelection. I've been organizing in East Bay DSA since 2017, and I've helped organize both external and internal projects, such as:

  • AHS Solidarity communications
  • Bernie art builds
  • Bernie canvasses
  • The Jovanka Beckles campaign
  • Canva trainings
  • The Design Working Group
  • The pilot Mobilizer program 

This coming year will be critical for building the mass character and political analysis of the socialist movement, so it’s capable of waging class struggle on a larger scale, and eventually cohering an independent worker's party. Now is the time to act strategically to advance our politics, develop stronger ties with (and within) the labor movement, and bring Bernie activists into the fold as committed organizers and lifelong socialists. 

We should focus on external-facing work that diversifies and more deeply unites the socialist movement with the labor movement. Let’s continue building collaborative relationships with rank-and-file union members in AHS, OEA, ATU 192, and other unions through strategic campaigns that grow our collective power to win. Because we know that unions are centers of working-class power and that politics is forged in struggle, let’s build a rank-and-file pipeline in our chapter, and support members’ organizing in the workplace.

In the wake of our chapter's successful and vibrant Bernie campaign, it's incumbent on us to focus our resources on growing our communications platforms and political education capacities. Let’s celebrate the successes of the campaign, and continue drawing more people to our politics through beautiful socialist propaganda and strategic organizing. 

The fight for socialism is a lifelong struggle, and I’d be honored to serve on this year’s Steering Committee to help steer our organization into the next chapter in that struggle. Solidarity!