Candidate Statement: Katie F. - At Large

Comrades, thank you for considering me for an At Large position on our chapter’s Steering Committee! 

We are about to enter another Great Depression, coupled with a pandemic. If elected, I will work to ensure we follow the lead of Communist organizers during the Great Depression. Their dynamic, multifaceted organizing looked far beyond unionized workers to encompass the unorganized, the unemployed, and tenants across all races and ethnicities. Their broad vision was critical to winning federal relief—and to building working class power and solidarity. 

Our job as socialists in this moment is to fan the flames of the class anger flickering––and sometimes exploding––across the country. We are the fire tenders, nurturing the growing anger at a capitalist system that was built to fail us. We must connect this anger across all sectors of the working class and guide it towards clear targets. We have the duty and joy of helping our community awaken to the world-changing power it has when it unites. If elected, I will tend the fire by nurturing cross-sector organizing, strategic mutual aid projects, and working to build regional and statewide relationships between DSA chapters.  

As a rank-and-file member of the Oakland Education Association, I am currently organizing in my union to fight deep cuts to public education. I also helped with my union’s stimulus pledge, which is raising funds for undocumented families. During Bernie’s campaign, I worked to secure OEA’s endorsement of him and to plan a joint DSA-OEA Bernie canvass with trilingual palm cards in Fruitvale. 

I write for Majority and have organized around public education with the Racial Solidarity Committee. Last fall, I bottom-lined an environmental justice tour in Richmond with Jovanka Beckles and Andres Soto of the Richmond Progressive Alliance. 

I am running on the Organize for Power slate.