Candidate Statement: Nick F - Communications Secretary

I’m honored to run for Communications Secretary on the Bread & Roses slate. I joined DSA after Trump’s election, because I realized only a socialist movement could stop the continued rise of the far right. Since then I’ve found hope and purpose fighting alongside my comrades for a better world. Over the past two years I’ve helped lead our chapter’s very successful political education and communications work, as a Co-Chair of the Political Education and Communications Committees.

I helped build our Socialist Night School program, which regularly brings in 50 or more attendees twice a month and has become a model for DSA chapters across the country.

I’m also very proud of the work I’ve accomplished with comrades as editor of East Bay Majority, our chapter’s official publication. We’ve provided coverage and analysis of the struggles of East Bay teachers, nurses, and other workers that people can’t get anywhere else. Majority’s articles have been seen by tens of thousands of readers. We’ve also given a platform and experience to new socialist writers who have gone on to write for national publications.

I’m running for Communications Secretary because I want to empower my comrades to make our successful communications work even stronger. Effective communications will be even more important now, given the difficulty of face-to-face organizing under COVID-19. We need to:

  • Expand our reach through advertising and strategic social media promotion
  • Ramp up production of propaganda and class-struggle journalism, through expanding recruitment and leadership development in our Communications Committee
  • Amplify workers’ struggles against oppression of all kinds, in and outside the workplace
  • Continue to name our enemies: the capitalist class and the capitalist system which allows them to profit off of everyone else’s suffering in the midst of a global pandemic