Candidate Statement: Rex L.C. - Communications Secretary


The COVID-19 crisis and looming economic catastrophe demand that our communications committee act decisively to increase the participation, recruitment, and retention of working class people into our organization. I’m running with the Organize for Power slate to make this a reality.

I'm a tattoo artist with a background in media and marketing and have been an active member of DSA since early 2017. Currently, I serve as your chapter's Communications Secretary, and I have co-founded our translation team and helped coordinate our social media, tech, video, art, and design teams. Nationally, I caucus with the Collective Power Network and have represented our chapter at the 2017 and 2019 National Conventions. 

If re-elected I will:

  • Prioritize translation into multiple languages and launch Spanish language events to welcome fellow Latinx and immigrant workers into our organization. 
  • Center intersectionality in our communications, highlighting anti-racist, pro-immigrant, eco-socialist feminist and internationalist perspectives. 
  • Work with our artists and designers to create more physical and site specific propaganda, building on the successes of the Bernie Art Team and the Oakland Teacher’s strike solidarity campaign.
  • Continue to improve our website, and explore sustainable and safe mediums for comradely member discourse and interaction. 
  • Train members and committees on effective social media and digital advertising strategies to reach beyond self selecting friend groups and to make it easier for new members to plug in.
  • Develop earned media strategies to place socialist perspectives in more traditional outlets, including radio and written press.
  • Grow our video and streaming team to make our politics and campaigns accessible to mass audiences across the country, especially in times of physical distancing.

As communications secretary, I’ve helped build a talented and multifaceted communications committee. This crisis demands that we harness our power and make our organization impossible to ignore.