General Meeting: January 12, 2020

East Bay DSA General Meeting, January 12, 2020

This is a general meeting of the EBDSA membership. Keith BB and Abigail G-G are chairing the meeting. The Recording Secretary is present and documenting the minutes.

The meeting was called to order at: 1:10 pm.

Settle in / Welcome

Keith BB opened the meeting with welcoming statements.

Committee Reports and Announcements 

Shane R reported on behalf of the Labor Committee

Sean delivered the Treasurer’s report

Andrew R and Owen WP reported on behalf of the Membership Engagement Committee

Ali reported for YDSA Diablo Valley

WY Li reported on behalf of the Racial Solidarity Committee

Molly A and Will S reported on behalf of the 2020 Committee

Isaac H reported on behalf of the Housing Committee

Rex LC reported on behalf of the Communications Committee

Mark G reported on behalf of the Steering Committee

Maura M reported on behalf of the Meetings Committee

Member Announcements

Keith BB introduced member announcements:

  • Stan delivered an announcement regarding an anti-war mobilization in San Francisco on Jan 25th
  • Colin M delivered an announcement about the formation of a new Green New Deal Committee, with Feb 5th meeting
  • Mathew delivered an announcement about Concert for a Climate at Classic Cars West on Friday 17th, and Bernie canvasses coming up in Feb.
  • Nadia delivered an announcement about emotional de-escalation 
  • Erica delivered an announcement about the Soc. Fem. caucus and the “Mass Strike for Reproductive Freedom” campaign, interested members can attend Feb 1st meeting 
  • Jessie and Molly delivered an announcement about $3,500 raised at the new year’s revolution fundraiser. A valentine’s day fundraiser is planned for Feb. 14th
  • AJ delivered an announcement about Moms 4 Housing eviction defence
  • Bonnie delivered an announcement about an event hosted by Labor Network for Sustainability, on Feb. 4th. Demanding sustainable transit
  • Michael delivered an announcement about the No Coal in Richmond campaign, and an important city council meeting on Jan 14th at Civic Center Plaza in Richmond
  • Zach and Casey delivered an announcement about the assissination in Iraq, and ways for members to get involved in the anti-war movement

Consent Calendar

Abigail G-G introduced the Consent Calendar. Sandy B gave an explanation of the resolution on the Consent Calendar. 

The Consent Calendar was ADOPTED and included the following resolution.

Resolution to Endorse the California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020 

Submitted by the Endorsements Subcommittee of the 2020 Committee.

Whereas the East Bay DSA Priorities Resolution for 2019 states that the chapter will “Fight for fully-funded, integrated and high-quality public education, from universal child care and pre-K to tuition-free college, and ensure that this funding is paid for via progressive taxation of the wealthy elite”;

Whereas the Priorities Resolution section on Class-Struggle Electoral Work supports electoral campaigns that “Spread class consciousness and build the power and militancy of the working class”;

Whereas the proposed California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020 (“the Act”) would tax large land-owning corporations to raise over $11 billion in revenue for public schools, community colleges, and local governments throughout the state;

Whereas the Act reforms elements of Proposition 13, a 1978 measure that was both a real and symbolic blow to the welfare state, fueled racist stereotypes of social programs and urban poverty, and foreshadowed a national anti-government movement that propelled Ronald Reagan to the presidency;

Whereas the Act gives EBDSA an opportunity to build on the momentum around education created by the teacher strike wave, to continue to strengthen relationships with teachers and parents, and to work in partnership with teachers’ unions including the Oakland Education Association (OEA), the United Teachers of Los Angeles, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and the California Teachers Association (CTA) — all of which support the Act, along wiht many other labor unions;

Whereas, for these reasons, the Endorsements Subcommittee of the 2020 Committee has issued a report recommending that EBDSA endorse the Act;

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA endorse the California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020; 

Be it further resolved that the 2020 Committee be tasked with overseeing the campaign in support of the Act;

Be it further resolved that, at the discretion of the EBDSA Steering Committee, the chapter join coalitions with labor unions or other groups to collaborate on campaign events, literature, and other relevant tasks;

Be it further resolved that the chapter help publicize campaign events and resources through its official communications channels.

New Business

Abigail G-G announced New Business.

Resolution to Endorse a Campaign Against School Closures and For Fully Funded Public Education

Submitted by the Racial Solidarity Committee.

The following resolution was motivated by Shane R. and Shula B. and an educator who taught at Roots Elementary before its closing. 

Whereas, East Bay DSA’s historic role in supporting the 2019 Oakland Education Association (OEA) strike helped to raise the expectations of thousands of teachers, parents, and students for a quality public education system serving all people regardless of residence or race,


Whereas, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) board, which has been bought by billionaires intent on dismantling and privatizing public education, is planning to close 24 public schools in predominantly black and brown neighborhoods within the next 5 years so that more charter schools can be opened, 


Whereas, charter schools do not serve students better than public schools, drain $57 million a year from OUSD public schools but are not democratically accountable, discriminate against special education students, often have harsh disciplinary codes, and perpetuate racial and class segregation in the school district, 


Whereas, four school board seats are up for re-election in November 2020, giving the community a chance to elect board members who will defend public education and vote against closures, 


Whereas, the Schools and Communities First Act, which would significantly increase state funding for education by taxing commercial property owners, is on the ballot in November 2020,  


Whereas, numerous other working class organizations including, but not limited to, Oakland Not for Sale (ONFS), OEA, Action 2020, Oakland Public Education Network (OPEN), and Black Organizing Project (BOP), are engaged in the fight for fully-funded, safe, quality public schools, 


Whereas, DSA can support and connect these groups around a plan to stop school closures that includes building a mass base of teachers and parents, along with backing the Schools and Communities First ballot initiative,


Therefore be it resolved, that EBDSA will endorse a campaign Against School Closures and for Fully Funded Public Education within the Racial Solidarity Committee,


Therefore be it further resolved, that the Racial Solidarity Committee will develop a platform for fully funded public schools, to offer a transformative vision for an education system free from austerity, racism, and police — one that can also speak to the needs and interests of families enrolled in charter schools — to be approved by the Steering Committee or General Membership,


Therefore be it further resolved, that the campaign will pursue organizing strategies including: political education, labor action, direct action, and electoral mobilization, 


Therefore be it further resolved, that the Racial Solidarity Committee will seek strategic coalition partners such as other DSA Chapters, OEA and other labor groups, and that we will partner with organizations against school closures and privatization, pending approval of the Steering committee.

Following motivation, there was a period of questions and answers and debate. 

The resolution PASSED by a unanimous vote.

Resolution to Co-Sponsor and Participate in the 2020 Berkeley Rent Board Convention

Submitted by Matthew L, Sandy B, Allie L, Ryan G, Zac G, Paola L, and Jamie G.

Matthew L motivated the following resolution.

Whereas, for decades, Berkeley renters and their allies have convened every two years to hold a convention to select the pro-tenant slate for the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board, one of only two elected rent boards in the United States (the other being Santa Monica); and

Whereas, in 2018, East Bay DSA (following a positive recommendation from the endorsements subcommittee) overwhelmingly voted to endorse that year’s slate, but did not in any way participate in the slating process; and

Whereas, the biennial process often referred to as the “Tenants’ Convention” or the “Rent Board Convention” - is organized by a progressive coalition, relying on the support of both progressive individuals and organizations. For instance, in recent years co-sponsoring organizations have included the Berkeley Tenants Union, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Berkeley Progressive Alliance, the Green Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Grey Panthers, Friends of Adeline, CalSERVE - Cal Students for Equal Rights and a Valid Education, and UC Berkeley for Bernie/the Progressive Student Association/Our Revolution UC Berkeley[1]; and

Whereas, among other privileges and responsibilities, co-sponsoring organization are invited to select a member to participate in the screening process. Those persons then determine the questions asked of all candidates, interview the candidates, and provide recommendations (highly recommended, recommend, acceptable, not recommended) to Convention attendees[2]. The screeners’ ratings can have a significant impact on Convention attendees vote to be on the slate; and

Whereas, due to the broad progressive coalition participating in (or supporting) the process, the pro-tenant slate often sweeps Rent Board elections; and

Whereas, there is realistically no other way for East Bay DSA to win Berkeley Rent Board elections (e.g. EBDSA running a separate Rent Board slate), given both the electoral system used to elect the commissioners (multiple non transferable vote) and the long-standing influence of the existing process (almost akin to a political party. Furthermore, the aforementioned organizations which co-sponsor the process are by no means ideological opponents of DSA, thereby making hypothetical alternatives to the existing process largely unnecessary; and

Whereas, by cosponsoring and fully participating in the process, East Bay DSA would gain multiple benefits. These include:

● Increased exposure to potential new members, as well as networking with existing and potential future coalition partners

● Influence over who is slated for the Rent Board. While all the candidates can be expected to support rent control, given the status Rent Board commissioners have, it is important to ensure that slate members do not have bad views on other issues (e.g. land use)

● Increased chances of DSA members being slated for and elected to the Rent Board. In addition to building the credibility of DSA, doing so can build a bench of DSA candidates for higher office in the future

Therefore be it resolved, that East Bay DSA is authorized to fully participate as a member organization in the 2020 Berkeley Rent Board Convention, including the planning and screening processes; and

Therefore be it further resolved, that for the avoidance of doubt, this resolution does not constitute an automatic endorsement by East Bay DSA of the candidates selected by the Convention. Rather, the candidates must still earn a chapter endorsement through the normal process. However, those candidates will automatically be nominated for timely consideration of an endorsement following the Convention.

[1] The organization has changed its name throughout the years

[2] The Convention is open to any person who lives in Berkeley (including students)

Following motivation there was a period of questions and answers.

The resolution PASSED by a majority vote.

Following the close of New Business, Eda and Bill gave an announcement regarding voter suppression for independent voters in CA. No party preference voters should be informed that they must contact the registrar of voters to request a Democratic party crossover ballot in order to participate in the primary election.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:50pm.