General Meeting: August 9th, 2020


East Bay DSA 

Steering Committee Meeting 

August 16th 2020

2-5 pm 

Zoom link

Chaired by: Matt S., Allie L., & Will S.

Called to order at: 1:04pm by Allie L.

Notes by: AJ A.


Settle In and Welcome

Allie L. opened the meeting with welcoming statements and provided an update on the HGO process.

Approval of the Agenda and special meeting rules

The Agenda approved with 83 votes in favor, and one no vote.

Rules for special meeting was approved with 100 votes in favor, and one no vote.


There was no items on the consent calendar or committee reports presented at this meeting.


New Business

Resolution to Close Endorsements After August General Meeting

Submitted by the Endorsements Subcommittee (Steph H., Jamie G., Isaac H., Allie L., Will S., Nick R., Jess B., Katy SS.)

Whereas both General Meetings for July and August are dedicated primarily to endorsements;

Whereas all candidate filing deadlines will be in August at the latest; 

Whereas there are other important non-endorsements-related agenda items and topics to discuss as a chapter, particularly at the local convention in September;

Whereas endorsements made in October would leave us very little time to build meaningful relationships with candidates and their campaigns and determine the chapter’s level of engagement;

Whereas the East Bay DSA Steering Committee has debated and recommends this resolution;

Therefore be it resolved that all endorsements for the 2020 election year be considered and voted on by the August General Meeting, at the latest;

Therefore be it further resolved that all endorsements that are not heard at the August General Meeting will not go on New Business for future voting General Meetings.

Steph H. motivated the resolution. Steph also mention that while ballot propositions wont be sent through endorsements process, that wouldn’t preclude members from motivating in future meetings.

Matt L. & Claudette motivated against.

Alfred T. Ari M. Motivated for.

Matthew L. motioned to amend and spoke for the amendment.

Rex LC spoke against the amendment.

The amendment was called to question to end debate and with 107 in favor, and 4 dissenting. The amendment was then voted on and was not ratified with 83 no votes, and 33 in favor. The resolution was then voted on and PASSED with 83 votes in favor, and 34 dissenting. 

Resolution to Endorse Oakland Youth Vote Ballot Initiative

Whereas the Youth Vote ballot initiative would allow 16 & 17 year old Oaklanders to vote for in Oakland school board races;

Whereas Oakland youth have been disregarded by the OUSD Board of Directors in regards to cuts to education, support services, school closures and much more;

Whereas the initiative has the broad support of youth-lead organizations, labor leaders & community groups;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA endorse the initiative; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the Oakland Youth Vote ballot initiative for November 2020;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Jamie G Motivated the resolution.

There were no arguments against so the resolution was voted on.

The resolution PASSED unanimously 112-0.

Resolution to Endorse Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council 

Whereas Carroll Fife has been a tireless advocate for housing rights, racial justice, defunding the police and many other DSA priorities;

Whereas the incumbent, Lynette McElhaney, has often voted to curtail tenants rights, retain and increase police funding, and against other DSA political priorities;

Whereas Carroll Fife has assembled broad left support to run a strong campaign against a long-term incumbent;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA endorse Fife’s campaign; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council District 3 in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Jamie G. motivated the resolution.

Since there were no representatives available to speak on Carroll’s behalf, Rex LC gave context in support of why we should vote to endorse.

Michael K. spoke in favor.

There were no arguments against, and the vote was called to question which PASSED 117-1. The membership voted on the resolution with 123 votes in favor, 3 votes against. The resolution PASSES.

Matt S. began chairing the meeting.

Resolution to Endorse Nestor Castillo, Elisha Crader, and Lacei Amodei for Hayward City Council

Whereas Nestor Castillo, Elisha Crader and Lacei Amondei are running together for 3 out of 4 at-large seats on Hayward City Council, with strong records of organizing for tenants’ rights, public healthcare & universal housing;

Whereas a motion passed at the July 2020 EBDSA meeting to consider their endorsements together;

Whereas the victory of these 3 organizers would create a left majority on Hayward city council to expand tenants rights, fight for a fair COVID recovery and much more; 

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report on these campaigns with no recommendation for or against endorsement;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses Nestor Castillo, Elisha Crader and Lacei Amondei for Hayward City Council in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Steph H. motivated the proposal.

Nestor Castillo spoke on behalf of the three candidates being considered.

Maddie WG asked a question.

Molly A. and John P. spoke against.

Eric V. and Luci R. spoke for.

There was a motion to call the question, needing ⅔ majority to pass, the motion FAILED 75-45

There was a motion to extend time 5 minutes, which PASSED 87-29

Maddy WG spoke against.

Dan spoke in favor.

The resolution was voted on by the membership and PASSED with 76 votes in favor and 54 votes against .

Resolution to Endorse Berkeley Tenants Union Slate for Berkeley Rent Board

Whereas the Berkeley Rent Board protects tenants by adjudicating landlord/tenant disputes and providing know your rights information to Berkeley tenants;

Whereas East Bay DSA has participated in an open, collaborative democratic process to select 5 excellent candidates to run for the rent board in the general election;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA endorse the slate; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the Berkeley Tenants Union Slate, comprised of Dominique Walker, Mari Mendonca, Xavier Johnson, Leah Simon-Weisberg and Andy Kelley for Berkeley Rent Board in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Isaac H. motivated the resolution.

Leah Simon-Weisburg spoke on behalf of the candidates.

Matthew L, Alfred T, Barbara, and Isaac H spoke for.

Graham D., Maddy WG, and Andrew R. spoke against.

The resolution was voted on by the membership and PASSED with 75 votes in favor, and 25 against. Will S. began chairing the meeting. Matthew L. motioned to extend time to 4:30pm, needing ⅔ to pass, the motion FAILS with 58 in favor and 38 against.

Resolution to Endorse Mike Hutchinson for Oakland Board of Education

Whereas Mike Hutchison has been a long-term advocate of expansive, equitable & high-quality public education;

Whereas his knowledge of law and policy, combined with advocacy record, would make him a skilled advocate for this vision;

Whereas the anti-public education incumbent declined to run for re-election, providing a strategic opportunity to win this seat that may not repeat for years to come;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA endorse Hutchinson’s campaign; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses Mike Hutchinson for Oakland Board of Education District 5 in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Steph H. motivated the resolution.

Mike Hutchinson spoke about his campaign.

The resolution was voted on by the membership and PASSED with 69 votes in favor and 21 against.

Resolution to Endorse Ben Tapscott for Oakland Board of Education

Whereas “Coach” Ben Tapscott is a retired union teacher and strong advocate for public school students & against school closures;

Whereas Tapscott stands out as the only candidate for District 7 who takes a stand against privatization and charter schools;

Whereas the anti-public education incumbent declined to run for re-election, providing a strategic opportunity to win this seat that may not repeat for years to come;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA endorse Tapscott’s campaign; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses Ben Tapscott for Oakland Board of Education District 7 in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Jamie G. motivated the resolution.

There were no questions or motivations against so the membership moved to a vote.

The membership voted on the resolution and it PASSED with 69 votes in favor, and 21 against

There was a motion to extend the meeting to 4:10pm, needing a ⅔ majority PASSED 62-25.

Resolution to Endorse Cherisse Gash for Oakland Board of Education

Whereas Cherisse Gash is a longtime organizer for pubic education and against youth incarceration;

Whereas she has pledged to refuse donations from pro-charter groups;

Whereas the anti-public education incumbent declined to run for re-election, providing a strategic opportunity to win this seat that may not repeat for years to come;

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee has issued a report recommending that East Bay DSA does not endorse Gash’s campaign; 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses Cherisse Gash for Oakland Board of Education District 3 in the 2020 General Election;

Be it further resolved that the Electoral Committee will be tasked with campaign support.

Jamie motivated the resolution.

Lew spoke against, mentioning there is not a campaign coalescing around her and that OEA had endorsed her opponent VanCedric.

Aaron spoke for.

Matthew L. motioned to table indefinitely, the membership voted, 52 in favor with 35 dissents to table the resolution, the motion PASSES.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:12pm


Resolution for Endorsements Subcommittee to Consider Carroll Fife

Submitted by Allie L. 

Whereas Carroll Fife is running for Oakland City Council in District 1 in West Oakland against a conservative incumbent, 

Whereas District 1 is a predominantly Black working class district that has been heavily impacted by gentrification and displacement by the real estate industry and corporate landlords, environmental injustices and public health problems due to corporate greed, and racist policing, 

Whereas Carroll Fife has been a leader for working class organizing and racial justice in Oakland and California as a Director of ACCE, leading Moms 4 Housing, and worked on the 2016 and 2020 Bernie Sanders campaigns, 

Whereas the Endorsements Subcommittee typically requires a questionnaire to be filled out by candidates to be considered for endorsement, 

Whereas Carroll Fife’s campaign is not actively seeking community endorsements in a traditional manner, 

Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee will recognize Carroll Fife’s campaign as the exception to the requirement to fill out a questionnaire for 2020 candidates, 

Therefore be it further resolved that Endorsements Subcommittee will consider Carroll Fife’s candidacy based on communications such as conversations, the campaign website, her previous leadership and social media, in substitution of a formal questionnaire filled out by the candidate and the campaign. 

Resolution to Sign East Bay DSA onto the “Defund OPD, Invest in Community & Equitable Climate Action” Demand Letter to the Oakland City Council

Submitted by Bonnie L., Barbara S., Susan S., Michael K., and Colin M.

Whereas, the Oakland Climate Action Coalition (OCAC), is “a cross-sector coalition dedicated to racial and economic justice that engages Oakland residents in creating and implementing climate solutions that strengthen the environmental, economic, and social resilience of frontline communities;” and

Whereas, over the last 18 months, OCAC has convened 4,000 Oaklanders to generate community-sourced priorities for the City of Oakland’s climate crisis mitigation and adaptation policy, the landmark 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP). It not only promises to be one of the strongest climate action plans in the country, but also may make an eventual Green New Deial for Oakland more politically viable; and

Whereas, the Oakland City Council will vote on adoption of the ECAP this Tuesday, 28 July 2020; and

Whereas, OCAC has been working for months with numerous environmental justice organizations in the East Bay to advocate for a truly equitable 2030 ECAP through the City’s binding adoption of the Racial Equity Impact Assessment, a groundbreaking document that “provides a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices to help City of Oakland staff maximize equity throughout the 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan’s 10-year implementation period;” and

Whereas, East Bay DSA member Colin M. both participated in the ECAP community priorities generation process and has been working closely with OCAC partners to organize for a truly just Plan, ensure EBDSA’s presence in that process, and work so that the Plan is as equitable as possible; and

Whereas, this close working relationship and our work contributing to this process so far, may present an opening for East Bay DSA to become a formal stakeholder in the Oakland Climate Action Coalition. Signing our organization onto this letter could be the catalyst for that new stakeholdership. This would be significant, too, as we’d be the only explicitly socialist organization in the OCAC; and

Whereas, in the ECAP Resolution there is currently no guarantee of any of the following desired outcomes:

  • Dedicated funding for the ECAP’s 10-year implementation period;
  • An Oakland Climate Action Network (OCAN) to facilitate inclusive community engagement on ECAP implementation;
  • Defunding the Oakland Police Department to fund the ECAP.

Whereas, winning those outcomes is vital to securing an ECAP that takes equity and climate justice seriously for all Oaklanders, especially historically neglected working class communities of color in this City whom the climate crisis is hitting first and worst; and

Whereas, supporting the most equitable, environmentally just, and community-based version of the ECAP is congruent with our political goal of winning an ecosocialist Green New Deal — not to mention our chapter has already endorsed the defunding of OPD; so

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the East Bay DSA Steering Committee signs EBDSA onto OCAC's letter to the Oakland City Council in furtherance of winning the aforementioned 4 3 demands in the final ECAP ratification.

More information

Elaboration of 4 demands:

1. [WON] Pass the ECAP without delay, done the right way: with equity at the center. 

  • The Equitable Climate Action Plan is a community-driven plan that was developed over the last 18 months with the contribution of over 4,000 Oaklanders. It is among the strongest Climate Action plans in the country, and among the first in the country to explicitly center equity. 
  • To ensure that the ECAP is truly equitable in practice, we ask you to include the Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) along with the ECAP in the 'Therefore' clause of the ECAP Resolution, and direct staff to follow the REIA's recommendations in every aspect of ECAP Implementation. 
  • The REIA provides clear, specific, and actionable guidance to City staff for how to implement the ECAP equitably. 
  • The Racial Equity Impact Assessment is supported by the City's Department of Race and Equity (DRE), and was created using the DRE's Equity framework and approach, including data from their 2018 Oakland Equity Indicators Report.

2. Create a dedicated funding source for ECAP Implementation. 

  • Prior to passing a Resolution authorizing development of the 2030 ECAP, City Council passed a Just Transition Resolution in 2018 declaring a Climate Emergency and committing “to a citywide just transition and urgent climate mobilization effort.”
  • As the City’s roadmap for equitable climate action and Just Transition mobilization efforts, the ECAP must be a top priority for allocation of our City's budgetary resources.
  • We urge you to champion fully funding ECAP implementation and create a dedicated funding source in Oakland's budget, to ensure effective ECAP implementation.

3. Prioritize funding for ECAP Action City Leadership-5 "Establish the Oakland Climate Action Network to Support Inclusive Community Engagement on ECAP Implementation" in this year's budget funding cycle.

  • The OCAN is envisioned as the ECAP's primary vehicle for equitable, democratic, and participatory on-going community engagement through ECAP Implementation.
  • Funding for OCAN creation should designate funding for community-based organizations to participate as members of the Network.
  • The ECAP calls for a funding amount for the OCAN Action of between $500,001 and $5,000,000. Please allocate $5M for the OCAN, the maximum possible amount according to the ECAP, and set aside the vast majority of funds for community groups, particularly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led and -serving organizations.
  • Community-driven Resilience Hubs and Resilience Spaces could / should also be eligible for funding as members of an Oakland Climate Action Network.
  • Grant OCAN members voting power to help nominate and appoint Commissioners from the neighborhoods.
  • OCAN could host Neighborhood Assemblies connected to ECAP Implementation, with opportunities for a Participatory Budgeting process (along the lines of the Community Democracy Project’s ballot measure).
  • Creation of the OCAN as specified in the Racial Equity Impact Assessment would satisfy implementation of the Priority Conservation Areas Resolution that City Council passed in 2015 to establish a Community Equity Oversight Committee for equitable urban greening without gentrification and displacement.

4. Defund OPD, Fund the ECAP. 

  • One clear source for funding the ECAP would be reallocating funding from the Oakland Police Department, to provide funding for ECAP implementation.
  • The Oakland Climate Action Coalition's original slogan was "Green Jobs, Not Jails". Thank you for your leadership in pushing for defunding the Police to refund the Community. Funding implementation of the ECAP in an equitable manner will create thousands of good, green jobs and wealth-building and ownership opportunities for Black and brown residents in Oakland's flatlands neighborhoods. 
  • Implementing the ECAP, guided by the recommendations of the Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA), will help to close the massive racial wealth and income disparities, economic development, and public health disparities that exist between communities of color in Oakland's flatlands neighborhoods and white communities in the Oakland hills.

Fully fund the ECAP at $72M, in accordance with the guidelines of the Racial Equity Impact Assessment, is a smart investment in public safety. By directing City resources to invest in sustainable economic development that prioritizes economic and health benefits to frontline, low-income communities of color who are hit first and worst by climate impacts, the ECAP can help to address some of the fundamental inequalities that result in violence and crime.

Resolution to Appoint a New HGO

Submitted by Allie L, Matt S, and Will S

Resolution to Endorse Response to the NAACP Oakland Branch

Submitted by Matt S.

Whereas East Bay DSA has endorsed the August 3rd “National Day of Resistance” and a demonstration at OUSD Superintendent Kyla John-Trammel’s home to demand safe, equitable, and healthy schools;

Whereas the Oakland Branch of the NAACP released a letter yesterday opposing the demonstration;

Whereas we recognize the need to respond in good faith to this letter and articulate our position that it a key front in the fight for racial justice is opposing an unsafe reopening of OUSD this fall;

Therefore be it resolved that the East Bay DSA Steering Committee endorses this statement drafted by members of the Racial Solidarity Committee, Afrosocialist and Socialists of Color Caucus, and the Steering Committee.

Special Protocols for Zoom Voting Meetings

Approved by East Bay DSA Steering Committee August 6, 2020

  1. Resolutions: Per our normal General Meeting protocols, an agenda with all relevant resolutions will be circulated to membership at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

  1. Motivation and Q&A: Each resolution will be motivated by one of its drafters, and there will be a short time agendized for clarifying questions and answers.

  1. Motions: Procedural motions will be taken through the Zoom chat box. Motions must be clearly stated in the chat box in order to be recognized by the chairs (e.g. “Motion to call the question” or “motion to amend”). Motions to amend must have typed language ready in order for the motion to come to the floor. Motions must be seconded by another member stating “second” in the chat box to move to debate.

  1. Debate: Stack for debate will be taken in the chat box as well. Members should clearly state if they intend to speak for or against the motion (e.g. “Stack in favor of the motion”). Speakers will be given 90 seconds to speak on the resolution or motion on the floor.

  1. Chat Box: During floor debate, the chat box may only be used for procedural motions and stack. The chat box may not be used for debate points, comments/questions, or other conversation during debate.

  1. Voting: Votes will be conducted by Zoom poll, and only members will be granted the Zoom link in order to ensure voting is restricted to members.

Resolution to Endorse the National Defund the Police Panel & Day of Action

Submitted by Matt S.

Whereas East Bay DSA launched a campaign to Defund the Oakland Police in June 2020 and will continue campaigning to defund the police in the future;

Whereas DSA chapters across the country are embracing the demand to defund the police and participating in the mass uprisings against police brutality;

Whereas DSA leaders from various chapters have produced a “Proposal for National DSA Panel on Defunding the Police & National Day of Action” for a national call and subsequent day of action to build the national movement to defund police departments and cohere defunding the police as a core demand of DSA for the foreseeable future;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the “Proposal for National DSA Panel on Defunding the Police & National Day of Action” and will participate in planning and promoting the event;

Be it further resolved that East Bay DSA will plan to participate in a National Day of Action to defund the police after the panel event.

Resolution to Close Endorsements After August General Meeting

Submitted by the Endorsements Subcommittee (Steph H., Jamie G., Isaac H., Allie L., Will S., Nick R., Jess B., Katy SS.)

Whereas both General Meetings for July and August are dedicated primarily to endorsements;

Whereas all candidate filing deadlines will be in August at the latest; 

Whereas there are other important non-endorsements-related agenda items and topics to discuss as a chapter, particularly at the local convention in September;

Whereas endorsements made in October would leave us very little time to build meaningful relationships with candidates and their campaigns and determine the chapter’s level of engagement;

Whereas the East Bay DSA Steering Committee has debated and recommends this resolution;

Therefore be it resolved that all endorsements for the 2020 election year be considered and voted on by the August General Meeting, at the latest;

Therefore be it further resolved that all endorsements that are not heard at the August General Meeting will not go on New Business for future voting General Meetings.