General Membership Meeting: February 27th, 2022

GM Agenda February 27th, 2022


Mosswood Park

I. Sign-In, Settle In

by Hasan A and Graham

Introduction by Shane

Mike Parker Memorial 

By Ken P

New Member Cohort Graduation

By Zach D

CA DSA Report Back

by Renee P

Stop School Closures Update

By Maura M & Vilma S

II. Resolution Debates

A. Resolution to Endorse “Invest in Our Oakland Small Business Tax Fairness Act”

Submitted by East Bay DSA’s Electoral Committee

Whereas the City of Oakland is within the jurisdiction of East Bay DSA;

Whereas the City of Oakland forgoes tens of millions of dollars annually with a highly regressive business tax, with large corporations such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Pandora, and Clorox paying roughly half as much as they would in San Francisco;

Whereas the “Invest in Our Oakland Small Business Tax Fairness Act” is a ballot measure instituting a progressive business tax and is being circulated for placement on the ballot by petition signatures for November 2022;

Whereas this measure to Tax the Rich was drafted by a coalition including IFTPE Local 21 and SEIU 1021, two unions representing Oakland city workers;

Whereas the Act would tax large corporations to put over $40 million annually into the City of Oakland’s general fund;

Whereas East Bay DSA committed at our 2021 Local Convention to prioritize class struggle electoral work;

Whereas the Electoral Committee voted unanimously to recommend that East Bay DSA endorse this ballot measure after reviewing the ballot measure report

Therefore be it resolved, that East Bay DSA endorses the “Invest in Our Oakland Small Business Tax Fairness Act”;

Be it further resolved, the Electoral Committee will be tasked with supporting the campaign.





B. East Bay DSA Resolution on Branches”

Submitted by Zach W, Isaac H, and Benny Z

WHEREAS, in 2018 the membership of East Bay DSA amended the chapter’s bylaws to include Article X, which states, in part, “It is the intent of the Chapter to create categories of Branches that may enhance the democratic functioning of the Chapter.”

WHEREAS, in June 2021 the chapter Steering Committee (SC), established the Branches Working Group to “bring a set of recommendations and goals for branches to the steering committee. The SC and Branches Working Group will work together to finalize a plan for the General Membership to vote on.”

WHEREAS, the Branches Working Group has held forums, conducted a membership survey completed by more than 110 members, reported to the chapter membership and Steering Committee on the work it has done, organized socials across the territory of the chapter attended by dozens of members, and held monthly meetings open to chapter membership to engage with a wide and deep segment of the chapter on the question of whether and how to form Branches.

WHEREAS, nearly 80% of those surveyed have expressed support for forming Branches.

WHEREAS, East Bay DSA is the largest DSA chapter in the country without a Branch structure, covering a vast geographic territory and comprising more than two thousand members spread across dozens of cities and portions of four counties.

WHEREAS, the formation of Branches will encourage the development of political and leadership capacity of chapter members in different jurisdictions across our territory, create a formal structure for members in more peripheral areas to engage in local campaign work in line with the chapter platform and priorities, and increase chapter membership by expanding the visibility of East Bay DSA as an organized force of and for the multiracial working class where that working class lives and works.

WHEREAS, Branches represent a substantial change to the structure of the chapter, and beginning the process of implementing that change via resolution rather than bylaws amendments allows the chapter membership and Steering Committee more flexibility in adapting to lessons learned from this process. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that East Bay DSA authorizes the creation of Branches within the chapter, organized by geography. Membership in a Branch will be open to chapter members residing or working in the geographic area around which a branch is formed. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Branches may advance the work of East Bay DSA by implementing existing chapter campaigns in their jurisdiction. A branch seeking to start a completely new campaign must receive approval from the Steering Committee or General Membership. Branches will strive to coordinate and collaborate with chapter-wide committees and working groups in the execution of said work.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that an initial petition to form a geographic branch shall be presented to the Steering Committee, and shall include: the geographic area to be covered, which shall have at least 50 East Bay DSA members as residents; and a list of at least three chapter members in good standing who intend to run for Branch Leadership Committee positions. Two or more geographic branches shall not overlap.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that if such an initial petition is in order, and a branch with materially similar geographic area has not previously been rejected or dissolved by the general membership, the Steering Committee shall direct the petitioners to hold two to three local events (either socials or campaign events) over the course of the next three months; the SC shall allocate a total of $300 to be used for the events; the SC shall also designate a liaison to support the petitioners. If a branch with materially similar geographic area has been previously rejected or dissolved by the general membership, the Steering Committee may, at its discretion and by a majority vote, proceed as above.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that after the three local events are held, a final petition shall be presented to the chapter’s general membership, and shall include: the initial petition and signatures from either 20% or 25 chapter members residing in the area to be covered by the branch, whichever is fewer. The chapter general membership, by a simple majority vote at a regular membership meeting, may approve a petition to form a branch that meets the above requirements. The chapter general membership may similarly, by a majority vote at a regular general membership meeting, merge, split, dissolve, or dismiss the officers of a branch.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that a model charter for branches will be drafted by the Branches Working Group (or another group delegated by the Steering Committee) and approved by the Steering Committee or general membership and provided to newly approved branches. A Branch charter at a minimum shall set forth: the powers delegated to the branch, its defined geographic territory, a list of elected offices in the Branch (including at a minimum at least two co-Chairs and a Recording Secretary) and their responsibilities, and procedures for the election and removal of officers.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Branches, once established, will approve their charters and elect the members of their Branch Leadership Committee in an election open to all chapter members covered by the geographic area constituting the Branch.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that by a simple majority vote Branch membership may amend their own charter, except that only a majority vote by the Steering Committee or by the chapter membership at a general meeting may change the powers or jurisdiction of the group.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Branches may send a member of their Branch Leadership Committee, or a delegate thereof, to be a non-voting representative at Chapter Steering Committee meetings. Non-voting representatives shall have the ability to speak at Steering Committee meetings. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Branches can join coalitions working on issues in the Branch territory with approval of the Steering Committee (or another body that Steering Committee delegates that authority to). 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that Branches can not make electoral endorsements. If a simple majority of Branch members express their support or opposition towards a candidate or ballot measure via a straw poll, the Branch may make a recommendation to the chapter as a whole. Such a straw poll must take place before the Chapter general membership votes on endorsement. Candidates or ballot measures that do not meet the chapter criteria for endorsement will not be eligible for a Branch recommendation.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that branches shall not have a separate legal identity from the chapter; and that neither the branch nor any officer thereof shall have the power to enter into contracts or other legal instruments, make expenditures, or assume financial obligations on behalf of the Branch or East Bay DSA.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that an exploratory committee for establishment of a branch may be commissioned by a majority vote of the Steering Committee, consisting of such members as the Steering Committee shall appoint at its discretion. The members of the exploratory committee may request, and may be provided by the Steering Committee (or group designated by the Steering Committee), with a list of members living in the proposed Branch area, and contact information for those members. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Branches Working Group, or another group designated by the Steering Committee, will create a page on the chapter website and other educational materials laying out the process for creating a Branch once this resolution is passed.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that this resolution does not preclude the chapter membership from amending the chapter bylaws in the future to further formalize or refine the Branch structure laid out in this resolution. 





III. Fundraising Update

By Lindsey

IV. Committee + member announcements