East Bay DSA Special General Membership Meeting August 8, 2022

I. Settle In

  • Note: The final vote on the Bylaws amendment will occur at our next regular membership meeting on August 14

II. Discuss and straw poll

A. Bylaws Amendment to Allow Endorsements to Occur at Special Meetings

[Underline is added text]

Motivated By: The Chapter Steering Committee; Authors: Matthew L, Shane R

WHEREAS, a resolution passed by the chapter membership at Convention limits to regular membership meetings to a quarterly basis; and

WHEREAS, the chapter Bylaws provide that “The Chapter may only make electoral endorsements at regular meetings;” and

WHEREAS, only allowing endorsements at regular meetings on a quarterly basis risks being unable to make important endorsements if they do not fall in a very precise timeline. 

WHEREAS, an informal survey of the bylaws of other large DSA chapters and of other DSA chapters in California could not find a single example of limiting endorsements to special meetings;

WHEREAS, none of the surveyed chapters appeared to require more than 14 days’ notice (and often significantly less) for an electoral endorsement (except for San Diego, which only requires 15 days’ notice;

WHEREAS, requiring 14 days’ that endorsements will be considered at a special membership meeting would provide ample notice for members to attend an endorsement meeting and reflect best practices in other chapters; and

WHEREAS, the Steering Committee unanimously vote to recommend that the membership adopting the following bylaws amendment;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bylaws be amended as follows:

Article VI: Meetings

Section 4. Electoral Endorsements

The Chapter may only make electoral endorsements at regular meetings, or at special meetings with at least fourteen days’ notice that electoral endorsements may be considered at that meeting. Unless authorized by vote of the general membership, members or committees of the Chapter are prohibited from campaigning as representatives of the Chapter for candidates or ballot measures that the Chapter has not officially endorsed.

1. Article VI (Meetings), Section 4 (Electoral Endorsements)

  • 1st Bylaws Amendment Reading
  • Motivated by Shane R
  • Q&A
  • Discussion/Debate

STRAWPOLL: 16 yes; 0 no’s

III. Meeting Adjourned