Branches in East Bay DSA

Existing Branches

  • Eden: encompassing Hayward, San Leandro and Castro Valley.
  • Chairs: Drew B, Maya P.
  • Napa/Solano: encompassing parts of Napa and Solano counties in the north bay area.
  • Chairs: Brooke R, Brad M. Secretary: Sean M

Forming a New Branch

Click here to read the resolution authorizing the creation of branches. Here's a summary and some practical tips.

  1. Think about what kind of work you think an East Bay DSA branch could accomplish in your area (organizing, socials, trainings, etc.), and talk to other members in your area about whether they’re also interested in forming a branch to pursue that type of work. Check out the chapter priorities and platform for inspiration
  2. Post in #branches-info on the chapter Discord server if you want to ask a question or find a neighbor or just say hello.
  3. Draft a petition to the Steering Committee outlining a specific geographic area for the branch which must include at least 50 East Bay DSA members. You'll also need the names of at least three people who intend to run for a branch leadership position.
  4. See a template petition here.
  5. Send the petition to the Steering Committee via [email protected] and then motivate the resolution during the chapter Steering Committee meeting.
  6. With approval from the Steering Committee, you’ll have $300 and 3 months to hold at least 2 events in your proposed area. You’ll also need to gather signatures from either 20% or 25 chapter members residing in the proposed area, whichever is fewer. 
  7. Submit the fully-signed petition to the Steering Committee to be placed on a General Membership meeting agenda. 
  8. Present at the General Membership meeting. If the Membership votes in support of your petition, you have a branch!
  9. Hold an initial formal meeting of your branch to adopt your branch charter, and hold branch leadership elections to elect (at the least) branch co-chairs and a branch Recording Secretary.