General Membership Meeting: Mar. 10, 2019

East Bay DSA General Membership Meeting, March 10, 2019, 1–3 p.m.

This is a general meeting of the East Bay DSA membership. Abigail G.-G. and Zach M. chaired the meeting. The recording secretary was present and documented the minutes.

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.

Settle in and Welcome

Abigail G.-G. offered welcoming remarks and explained the way that the meeting will be run.

Song: The Internationale

Andrew R. led the meeting attendance in a singing of The Internationale.

Committee Reports and Announcements

Following the opening statements, Abigail G-G called forward committee representatives to present oral reports.

  • Will S. reported on behalf of the Social Housing Committee
  • Joey K. reported on behalf of the Meetings Committee
  • Ashley P. reported on behalf of the Labor Committee
  • Nick F. reported on behalf of the Political Education Committee
  • Matt S. reported on behalf of the Medicare for All Committee
  • Sandy B. reported on behalf of the 2020 Electoral Committee
  • Mark G. reported on behalf of the Steering Committee
  • Sean M. delivered a report as the Treasurer
  • Seth B. reported on behalf of the Membership Engagement Committee
  • Shane R. reported on behalf of the Racial Solidarity Committee
  • Hannah K. reported on behalf of the OEA Solidarity Committee

Member Announcements

Abigail G.-G. offered an announcement regarding the Bernie Sanders endorsement poll that was sent out from DSA National, encouraging members to participate.

Stan W. made an announcement regarding the Oscar Grant Committee and upcoming events, including a rally in Sacramento on March 18 and protests at the Hayward City Hall against recent police killings. Please contact Stan W. if you are interested in carpooling or attending either of these actions.

Bill B. announced upcoming events related to international affairs. A "Hands Off Venezuela" event on March 31 and a speaking event in San Francisco on March 22 with a member of the revolutionary workers' party in Mexico.

Allie L. made announcements for the Socialist Feminist Caucus (SocFem), encouraging members to donate to the Abortion Bowl-a-thon fundraising event and attend the SocFem reading group and organizing meeting.

Hannah E. made an announcement regarding the upcoming Green New Deal fundraiser. If you would like to volunteer to help host the party, please talk to Hannah E. or Mary Virginia W.

Hasan A. made an announcement for a Medicare for All canvass that will be happening in San Francisco with National Nurses United, as well as a campaign launch party that will be happening for a candidate opposing Nancy Pelosi.

Eddie made an announcement about carpooling to support a Bernie rally that will be happening in Nevada.

Political Lessons from the Teachers Strike

Following announcements, Abigail G.-G. introduced a portion of the meeting devoted to report backs and presentations regarding the Oakland Teachers Strike.

David G. and Emma G. gave a report regarding the Bread for Ed fundraising effort. The effort was taken on to build power for the strike in solidarity with the OEA and local community. The goals of the project were to help prevent food insecurity from impacting the success of the strike, make material interventions to feed kids, and involve the community, providing a way to help community members feel bought in to the strike effort. The project involved a distributed model in coalition with at least 25 other organizations across Oakland and a base of 200 volunteers. Roughly 4,000–5,000 meals were provided each day for a total of roughly 30,000 meals over the full course of the strike. Spending totaled roughly $100,000 of the total $170,000 that was raised, with the remainder of the funds going to the OEA strike fund. A report is under development that will include learnings that can be shared with other organizations that might take on a similar project in the future.

Frances R. gave a presentation about the Majority publication, including the political goals of the publication, who it reached over the course of the campaign, and how particular topics and articles performed.

Graham G. presented on the “Flying Squadron” support provided by East Bay DSA during the strike. The "Flying Squadrons" were organized car loads of DSA members with supplies and the flexibility to move from site-to-site pickets depending on which sites needed support, in order to increase numbers on the picket lines and delivering supplies.

Tim M., a DSA member and Oakland teacher, delivered a presentation on political lessons from the strike. From the perspective of Tim and other teachers in OEA, this strike was a success but not a total victory, and the fight will continue. Organizing members in preparation for the strike was a huge win for the union and the new leadership have transformed it by encouraging rank-and-file activity that was not there previously. Charter schools are taking root in Oakland but the gains of this recent strike are significant in that fight.

The teachers were successful in shutting down the OUSD system over the course of the strike, with 95 percent of teachers on strike and 97 percent of students not coming to school. The picket lines were also a site of consciousness raising and education about why charter schools and privatization are a threat. Nearing the end, there was a lot of support for continuing the strike at high school sites, but the sentiment was not the same at many elementary schools, in part because of the needs of elementary students and the relationship that teachers have to their classes.  

While the strike has ended, there is now a foothold in the union and the community that will not go to waste. There will be a push to keep the now activated membership up-to-date and continually active in the ongoing struggle.


Zach M. introduced the resolutions portion of the meeting and explained what the consent calendar is and how a bylaws amendments work. At this first meeting, the bylaws amendment is under debate, to be voted upon at the next meeting. A two thirds vote is required to ratify the bylaws.

Graham D. gave a presentation on the amendments process as outlined in Robert’s Rules. Motions to amend a resolution should begin with the proposed text of the amendment, receive a second for the amendment, and then motivate that resolution with an explanation of the rationale.

Consent Calendar

The consent calendar was adopted, and included the following resolution.

[GM.2019.2] Resolution to Expand Majority’s Areas of Coverage

Submitted by Frances R., Dominic D., Annika B., Wes H., and Ian M.

Whereas East Bay DSA’s strike-focused publication Majority has become an important tool for external organizing, offering an avenue for DSA members and OEA teachers and supporters to have political conversations during interviews

Whereas Majority offers an excellent opportunity for further internal organizing within EBDSA, giving members a chance to develop as socialist writers, thinkers, editors, and propagandists

Whereas Majority has been inspired by the success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders in reaching millions of Americans through creation and propagation of their own independent media promoting progressive and democratic socialist demands

Whereas East Bay DSA’s communications work in service of the Jovanka Beckles campaign proved that local media is hostile to socialist politics

Whereas Majority has followed in the steps of, helping EBDSA to contribute to and shape public conversation about the OEA contract fight and connect it to the larger struggle of billionaires vs. working people

Whereas accessible, well-designed, outward-facing communications like Majority are critical to popularizing socialist demands and analysis to a mass audience in the East Bay and beyond

Whereas organic leaders in the OUSD rank-and-file have been featured in Majority and have shared Majority content to their own networks, proving its viability as a path to connect with working people and labor militants outside of the chapter

Whereas Majority offers a platform EBDSA’s other democratically determined campaigns and committees should make use of to broaden our socialist news reporting and analysis to e.g. healthcare, housing, racial solidarity, labor, owning PG&E, and socialist education

Therefore be it resolved East Bay DSA will task the Editorial Subcommittee of the Communications Committee with soliciting and developing editorial content from committees and campaigns for publication in Majority

Therefore be it further resolved the Editorial Subcommittee of the Communications Committee will develop a proposal for a Majority editorial board and structure to be approved by the Steering Committee

Therefore be it further resolved the Majority editors will be responsible for soliciting coverage of news and political developments outside the scope of EBDSA’s campaigns and committees at their discretion.

New Business

Following adoption of the consent calendar, Zach M. introduced new business.

The following resolution was motivated by Dale H.

[GM.2019.3] Resolution on East Bay Democratic Socialists of America Voting Procedures

Submitted by Dale H., Carrie A., Jerry F., David R, and Raymond B.

Changes to original bylaws text are italicized.

Whereas currently, all voting on steering committee members selection, national convention delegate selection, and political endorsements are done at the chapter’s monthly general membership meetings.

Whereas this process includes only a fraction of the East Bay chapter’s membership at the monthly general membership meetings. Of the last five meetings the most members who have attended is around 200 while total chapter membership is over 1,200 members. Therefore, the votes taken at the general membership meetings may not be representative of the membership as a whole.

Whereas there are many reasons that members may not be able to attend general membership meetings: the member or a family member is ill, they are out of town, they are working, they have another pressing commitment, etc.

Whereas it is critical to the democratic nature of the chapter that steering committee officers, national convention delegates, and political endorsements are truly representative of the chapter membership.

Therefore be it resolved that the following revisions be made to the East Bay Democratic Socialist of America’s chapter bylaws:

Article III: Officers

1) Section 2. Nomination Procedure

All officers of the Chapter shall be elected by electronic ballot of all members in good standing. Nominations for all officers must be submitted to the outgoing Steering Committee three weeks in advance of the election date. Nominations will include an electronic document of qualifications and other pertinent information for voters’ review. Electronic ballots will be open to voting one week prior to the last day to count ballots. Any member in good standing may nominate another member in good standing, but not themselves, for elected position in the Chapter. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

2) Section 3. Ballot election, Term of Office, Removal from Office

The officers of the Chapter shall be elected at the annual Chapter convention to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin one month after the close of the electoral ballot at which they are elected. Elections shall be organized by an Election Committee appointed by the Steering Committee. Members of the Election Committee shall be ineligible in these elections. There shall be a vote by secret ballot for each contested office using a system of ranked-choice voting, also called preferential voting, as described in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Officers may be removed from office at the pleasure of the membership by a two-thirds vote.

Article VI: Meetings

3) Section 1. Chapter Annual Convention

One of the regular meetings in the first six months of each calendar year shall be the Chapter's annual convention, at which time the Chapter shall announce the election of all officers of the Chapter as a result of the electronic ballot count and adopt a Priorities Resolution. The Convention shall be the highest-decision making body of the chapter. The Steering Committee shall appoint special committees as needed to organize and plan the convention. The Priorities Resolutions shall outline political and organizational priorities for the Chapter to undertake at least until the next convention. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

4) Section 4. Electoral Endorsements

The Chapter may only make electoral endorsements by electronic ballot. Unless authorized by vote of the general membership, members or committees of the Chapter are prohibited from campaigning as representatives of the Chapter for candidates or ballot measures that the Chapter has not officially endorsed. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

Article XI. National Convention Delegates

The chapter shall conduct elections for delegates to the National DSA Convention according to the guidelines set forth in the National By- laws. Only members fully paid up in dues at the time of the election shall be permitted to vote or to be candidates for election. Elections for delegates shall be by electronic ballot of all members in good standing of the chapter. Elections shall be organized by an Election Committee appointed by the Steering Committee. Members of the Election Committee shall be ineligible in these elections. There shall be a vote by secret ballot for each delegate using a system of ranked-choice voting, also called preferential voting, as described in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Nominations for all delegates must be submitted to the Election Committee three weeks in advance of the election date. Nominations will include an electronic document of qualifications and other pertinent information for voters’ review. Electronic ballots will be open to voting one week prior to the last day to count ballots. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

Following motivation, the assembly entered into committee of the whole, a period of parliamentary discussion of the resolution. During this discussion, a motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes was passed, extending the meeting until 3:10 p.m.

Following the discussion, there was a straw poll taken to gauge member sentiment for the resolution — in favor, against, or undecided. Following a count, the results of the straw poll were: 13 in favor, 50 against, and 9 undecided.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.