General Membership Meeting: Apr. 14, 2019

East Bay DSA General Membership Meeting, April 10, 2019, 1–3 p.m.

This is a general meeting of the East Bay DSA membership. Abigail G.-G. and Zach M. chaired the meeting. The recording secretary was present and documented the minutes.

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.

Settle in and Welcome

Zach M. opened the meeting with welcoming statements and an explanation of the use of Robert's Rules.

During the opening remarks, announcements were made regarding the chapter's annual convention which will take place on May 18, 2019, and the national convention which will be held August 1–4 in Atlanta. East Bay DSA has been apportioned 38 voting delegates to the national convention, which will be elected at our June 8 general meeting.

Following the opening statements, Will S. led the body in a solidarity clap.

Committee Reports and Announcements

Following the opening statements, Zach M called forward committee representatives to present oral reports.

  • Will S. and Allie L. reported on behalf of the Social Housing Committee
  • Sandy B. and Jack M. reported on behalf of the 2020 Electoral Committee
  • Matt S. reported on behalf of the Medicare for All Committee
  • Sean M. delivered a report as the treasurer
  • Nick F. reported on behalf of the Political Education Committee
  • Ashley P. reported on behalf of the Labor Committee
  • Hannah E. reported on behalf of the Membership Engagement Committee
  • Andy C. reported on behalf of the Meetings Committee
  • Mark G. reported on behalf of the Steering Committee
  • Frances R. reported on behalf of the Communications Committee
  • Hannah K. and Hannah E. (a member of East Bay DSA and the steering committee of California Educators Rising) reported on behalf of the OEA Solidarity Committee
  • Shane R. reported on behalf of the Racial Solidarity Committee

Member Announcements

Joey K. gave an announcement regarding UCAFT (library workers union) and YDSA on UC Berkeley's campus who will be kicking off a bargaining campaign with a rally at UC at Sprowl Plaza.

Ted F. gave an announcement regarding the climate justice caucus, and two upcoming events: the Sound the Alarm protest, and the Stop the Next Wildfire rally.

Keane and Kirsten gave an announcement regarding the National Union of Healthcare Workers in a campaign against Kaiser to increase mental health access and staffing, asking members to show support at an event on Wednesday, April 17 at Kaiser 1 plaza.

Andy C. gave an announcement regarding Game Workers Unite and their activity at GDC. The next Game Workers Unite meeting will be on May Day at the SFDSA office in San Francisco if you would like to attend.

Dominic and Troy, who is the librarian at Omni Commons, gave an announcement regarding Bernie Sanders hosting national meetings on the April 27. For 94612, there will be a meeting at 2 p.m. on April 27 at the Oakland Housing Authority.

Marissa from the Socialist Feminist Caucus gave an announcement regarding a book club on “Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism.”

Susan C. gave an announcement regarding senior and disabled focused informational meeting about Medicare for All. There will be an event on Friday, April 26 at 10–12 p.m.

Maura M. gave an announcement regarding the houseless solidarity working group, which is part of the Social Housing Committee. There are consent items on the Oakland City Council agenda for Tuesday, April 16 at 5 p.m. Show up early in support to get a speaker card and make sure that it gets talked about.

Allie L. gave an announcement regarding the Social Feminist Caucus and the Abortion Bowl-a-thon that is coming up. There are two more weeks to fundraise for the local team, “Red Menace.”

David W., member of Educators for Democratic Schools, gave an announcement about signing a petition that will change state charter law to allow districts to exert control over their local schools. You can learn more at

Stan W. gave an announcement about upcoming May Day actions with the Longshoremen union, which is open to all. It will be at One Market street in downtown San Francisco on May 1, and at 2 p.m. there will be a rally.

Gerald S. gave an announcement regarding an upcoming Liberated Lense event at Omni Commons on Easter, April 21, at 4:30 p.m. The film will be about black steel workers.


The following resolution was motivated by Dale H.

[GM.2019.4] Resolution on East Bay Democratic Socialists of America Voting Procedures

Submitted by Dale H., Carrie A., Jerry F., David R., and Raymond B. Revisions are marked in italics.

Whereas currently, all voting on steering committee members selection, national convention delegate selection, and political endorsements are done at the chapter’s monthly general membership meetings.

Whereas this process includes only a fraction of the East Bay chapter’s membership at the monthly general membership meetings. Of the last five meetings the most members who have attended is around 200 while total chapter membership is over 1,200 members. Therefore, the votes taken at the general membership meetings may not be representative of the membership as a whole.

Whereas there are many reasons that members may not be able to attend general membership meetings: the member or a family member is ill, they are out of town, they are working, they have another pressing commitment, etc.

Whereas it is critical to the democratic nature of the chapter that steering committee officers, national convention delegates, and political endorsements are truly representative of the chapter membership.

Therefore be it resolved that the following revisions be made to the East Bay Democratic Socialist of America’s chapter bylaws:

Article III: Officers

Section 2. Nomination Procedure

All officers of the Chapter shall be elected by electronic ballot of all members in good standing. Nominations for all officers must be submitted to the outgoing Steering Committee three weeks in advance of the election date. Nominations will include an electronic document of qualifications and other pertinent information for voters’ review. Electronic ballots will be open to voting one week prior to the last day to count ballots. Any member in good standing may nominate another member in good standing, but not themselves, for elected position in the Chapter. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

2) Section 3. Ballot election, Term of Office, Removal from Office

The officers of the Chapter shall be elected at the annual Chapter convention to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin one month after the close of the electoral ballot at which they are elected. Elections shall be organized by an Election Committee appointed by the Steering Committee. Members of the Election Committee shall be ineligible in these elections. There shall be a vote by secret ballot for each contested office using a system of ranked-choice voting, also called preferential voting, as described in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Officers may be removed from office at the pleasure of the membership by a two-thirds vote.

Article VI: Meetings

3) Section 1. Chapter Annual Convention

One of the regular meetings in the first six months of each calendar year shall be the Chapter's annual convention, at which time the Chapter shall announce the election of all officers of the Chapter as a result of the electronic ballot count and adopt a Priorities Resolution. The Convention shall be the highest-decision making body of the chapter. The Steering Committee shall appoint special committees as needed to organize and plan the convention. The Priorities Resolutions shall outline political and organizational priorities for the Chapter to undertake at least until the next convention. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

4) Section 4. Electoral Endorsements

The Chapter may only make electoral endorsements by electronic ballot. Unless authorized by vote of the general membership, members or committees of the Chapter are prohibited from campaigning as representatives of the Chapter for candidates or ballot measures that the Chapter has not officially endorsed. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

Article XI. National Convention Delegates

The chapter shall conduct elections for delegates to the National DSA Convention according to the guidelines set forth in the National Bylaws. Only members fully paid up in dues at the time of the election shall be permitted to vote or to be candidates for election. Elections for delegates shall be by electronic ballot of all members in good standing of the chapter. Elections shall be organized by an Election Committee appointed by the Steering Committee. Members of the Election Committee shall be ineligible in these elections. There shall be a vote by secret ballot for each delegate using a system of ranked-choice voting, also called preferential voting, as described in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Nominations for all delegates must be submitted to the Election Committee three weeks in advance of the election date. Nominations will include an electronic document of qualifications and other pertinent information for voters’ review. Electronic ballots will be open to voting one week prior to the last day to count ballots. At least 20% of chapter members in good standing must vote or the vote shall be considered invalid for lack of a quorum.

During motivation, Dale H. motioned to suspend the rules to allow for a substitute resolution. The motion passed and the rules were suspended by a vote of 78 votes in favor.

[GM.2019.5] Substitute resolution, replacing Resolution on East Bay Democratic Socialists of America Voting Procedures

Following suspension of the rules, Dale H. motivated the following substitute resolution.

Whereas currently, all voting on steering committee members selection, national convention delegate selection, and political endorsements are done at the chapter’s monthly general membership meetings.

Whereas there are many reasons that members may not be able to attend general membership meetings: the member or a family member is ill, they are out of town, they are working, they have another pressing commitment, etc.

Whereas it is critical to the democratic nature of the chapter that steering committee officers, national convention delegates, and political endorsements are representative of the chapter membership.

Therefore, be it resolved that every chapter member in good standing be offered an absentee ballot for voting for all voting on steering committee members selection, national convention delegate selection. Thus, if a member is unable to attend a membership meeting due to accessibility issues, work or care responsibilities, or travel outside of the East Bay and they contact the chapter at least three (3) days before the convention and they will be provided with instructions for submitting an absentee ballot. The offer of an absentee ballot should be announced via email at least two weeks prior to the specified election.

After debate and amendment, the resolution PASSED.

The following resolution was motivated by Megan S, Ashley P, and Robbie N.

[GM.2019.6] Resolution to Move To a Bi-Monthly Schedule for General Membership Meetings

Submitted by Ashley P., Ian M., Graham D., Robbie N., and Megan S.

Whereas our chapter’s General Membership meetings are, aside from the Convention, the highest decision-making bodies of the chapter

Whereas regular GM’s are the backbone of our chapter’s democracy, in which we make important decisions on determining our political orientation, deciding what campaigns to take up or not to take up, and making important decisions about our organizational structure.

Whereas the primary purpose of regular General Membership meetings are to debate and vote on actionable resolutions.

Whereas our political opportunities have broadened and increased allowing us to work with many people and so our educational events, committee work, and work within broader organizations has greatly increased in frequency.

Whereas we passed a resolution to hold monthly General Membership Meetings in July 2018 that committed us to starting to them in September 2018, and have held monthly General Membership meetings since then.

Whereas the rate of attendance at monthly membership meetings has fluctuated significantly since they started and been in decline since December.

Whereas the Steering Committee may coordinate chapter-wide trainings, educational events, or informational meetings outside of the context of a General Membership meetings.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will hold its voting General Membership meetings on a regular, bi-monthly schedule. The Steering Committee may schedule voting General Membership meetings more frequently if the need arises.

Therefore be it further resolved that the East Bay DSA Membership Engagement Committee will be responsible for organizing "All Member Meetings" and events (such as Political Education Events, New Member Meetings, socials, etc.) to be held on the months when there are not voting meetings. Meetings Committee will help with the organizing of these meetings as needed.

Therefore be it further resolved the initial meeting of this bi-monthly schedule will be July 2019.

Therefore be it further resolved that this resolution supersedes the “Resolution To Establish Monthly General Membership Meetings,” passed by the July 14, 2018 GM.

Following debate and amendment, the resolution PASSED by a vote of 81 in favor and 57 against.

Jack M. made a motion to extend time by 20 minutes, which passed.

[GM.2019.7] Resolution to Adopt the Proposed 2020 Campaign Plan

Submitted and motivated by Sandy B, Jack M, Shane R, Matt S, and Will S.

Whereas, East Bay DSA passed the “Resolution Calling On Bernie Sanders to Run for President in 2020” in December 2018, which mandated that a committee develop a 2020 Campaign Plan to be brought before the general membership for debate and approval in early 2019.

Whereas, the Steering Committee passed the “Resolution to Form the 2020 Committee” in January 2019, forming a committee tasked with the development of said plan and composed of representatives from the Electoral Committee, Medicare for All Committee, Social Housing Committee, Labor Committee, Operations Committee, Membership Engagement Committee, Racial Solidarity Committee, Communications Committee, and the Steering Committee.

Whereas, the 2020 Committee has developed and ratified a comprehensive 2020 Campaign Plan proposal, which it recommends to the general membership. This proposed 2020 Campaign Plan was developed in consultation with East Bay DSA’s membership and outlines the political orientation, goals, and structure of a class-struggle campaign engaging a wide range of committees and members from across our chapter.

Whereas, the Steering Committee passed the “Resolution to Approve the 2020 Committee Campaign Plan, Pending General Membership Approval” in March 2019, formally endorsing the the 2020 Campaign Plan and recommending it to the general membership for final approval.

Whereas, more than 13,000 members of DSA voted overwhelmingly in a National Advisory Poll in March 2019 to recommend the National Political Committee endorse Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign with 76% in favor of endorsement.

Whereas, the 2020 electoral cycle is a major opportunity to spread class consciousness, build East Bay DSA’s capacity, elect democratic socialists and pass ballot measures, and continue building local and statewide coalitions, and our campaign activities should begin as early as possible in order to seize upon the opportunities.

Therefore be it resolved, that East Bay DSA formally approve the 2020 Campaign Plan and adopt it as the guiding document of our 2020 Campaign.

Therefore be it further resolved, the 2020 Committee is dissolved, having fulfilled its charge to develop a campaign plan for approval by the general membership.

Therefore be it further resolved, that the following language be added as an amendment to the 2020 Campaign Plan:

1) added under racial solidarity communications sections: “The 2020 Super Committee will coordinate with the Racial Solidarity Committee to translate materials into the many languages spoken in the East Bay”

2) Replace the last sentence of Goal 2 “Build DSA Capacity”: “We need to grow larger with dedication to building a DSA that is as strong, colorful, and diverse as the working class itself.”

Following debate and amendment, the resolution PASSED by a majority vote. 


The meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m.