Steering Committee Meeting: January 27, 2019

East Bay DSA Steering Committee Meeting, January 27, 2019, 12–2 p.m.

Introductions and Opening Statements

The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. by Abigail G.-G., who chaired the meeting along with Zach M. The recording secretary, Mark G., took notes. Also present at the meeting were Megan S., Frances R., Hasan A., Hannah E., Keith B. B., Nestor C., and Sean M. Dominic D. joined by phone.

Committee chairs Allie L., Ashley P., Andrew R., Matt S., Miguel D., Nick F., Robbie N., Seth B., and Jack M. were also present.

Following opening statements, the agenda was approved by general consent.

Committee Reports

The following members delivered their committee reports.

Approval of Consent Calendar

Following the committee reports, Zach M. introduced the consent calendar, which was adopted by general consent.

[SC.2019.10] Proposal to Purchase Chapter Chromebooks

Submitted by Aaron H. and Sean M.

WHEREAS, the Chapter is committed to “continue to hold regular and accessible Chapter meetings,” and to “provide welcoming and accessible spaces to people of all backgrounds,” as outlined in the 2018 Priorities Resolution;

WHEREAS, a main purpose of the Meetings Committee is “to plan and execute meetings of the whole chapter and to prepare membership to participate in them;”

WHEREAS, at Chapter’s 2018 Convention, the Convention planning committee provided (4) four laptops to volunteer departments on which to watch the internal livestream of meeting proceedings if they could not physically be in the same room as them to help maximize those volunteers’ opportunity for participation;

WHEREAS, those laptops were not owned by the Chapter and were borrowed through informal means;

WHEREAS, the Meetings Committee currently requires (4) four devices in order to operate its procedures for its sign-in department;

WHEREAS, tablets are not ideal for use at fundraisers when attendees may need to enter significant amounts of information to make a donation; and

WHEREAS, Chromebook laptops allow for basic internet access and function at an affordable price range on average from $150 to $300 per device;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Steering Committee authorize and reimburse the purchase of (4) four Chromebook laptops for a total of up to $1,000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that first priority for Chromebook usage will be meetings of the whole Chapter and fundraisers and these shall be housed by the Meetings Committee until such time that a more appropriate or suitable place is determined.

New Business

[SC.2019.11] Resolution to Form the 2020 Committee

Submitted by Jack M., Matt S., and Sandy B., motivated by Jack M.

WHEREAS the “Resolution Calling on Bernie Sanders to Run for President in 2020” passed by the General Membership on December 9, 2018 resolved that the “East Bay DSA Steering Committee will direct a committee to develop a Bernie 2020 campaign plan to be brought before the general membership for debate and endorsement in early 2019.”

WHEREAS the “Campaign Coordinating Team” established for the campaigns to elect Jovanka Beckles and pass Prop 10 in 2018 built critical infrastructure necessary to lead a successful political campaign and cohered a body of activists who learned to collaborate closely and effectively through months of collective organizing work, and these capacities do not currently exist in the Electoral Committee.

WHEREAS the electoral campaigns East Bay DSA will run in 2020 (including a possible campaign to elect Bernie Sanders US President) will be among the most ambitious projects the chapter has undertaken to date and will require the cooperation of multiple committees, including, but not limited to, the Electoral Committee, the Medicare for All Committee, the Labor Committee, the Operations Committee, the Membership Engagement Committee, and the Steering Committee.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Steering Committee forms a committee tasked with developing a plan, strategy and infrastructure for the 2020 election cycle, to be known as the “2020 Committee.”

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Committee will be tasked with considering electoral strategy for 2020 and developing a plan for critical campaign infrastructure including field operations, a media, fundraising and communications apparatus, and programming for organizer development.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Committee will include representatives from the Electoral Committee, the Medicare for All Committee, the Labor Committee, the Operations Committee, the Membership Engagement Committee, the Racial Solidarity Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Steering Committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Committee will solicit member feedback on a campaign plan and then submit it to be voted on by the General Membership no later than the 2019 East Bay DSA convention.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Committee will be dissolved immediately following the ratification of a campaign plan by the East Bay DSA General Membership.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Committee will be assembled and chaired by Jack M, Matt S, and Sandy B. The chairs will appoint a recording secretary.

Jack M. proposed an amendment which passed by general consent.

Nestor C. motivated an amendment which passed by a unanimous vote.

Following amendment and debate, the resolution PASSED with a vote of 10 in favor and 1 abstaining.

[SC.2019.12] Resolution to Fundraise for OEA Food Distribution Efforts

Submitted by Molly A. and Matt S., motivated by Matt S.

WHEREAS, East Bay DSA has resolved to materially support the teachers of the Oakland Education Association (OEA) in their struggle for a fair contract.

WHEREAS, the Organizing Committee of the OEA has approached East Bay DSA’s OEA Solidarity Committee to delegate the coordination of food donations and distribution for their strike efforts.

WHEREAS, provision and distribution of food to the students, families, and teachers will be critical to the success of any strike actions and will build solidarity among the working class of Oakland.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the OEA Solidarity Committee be allowed to fundraise with a goal of $30,000 in donations, but possibly more, from DSA members and the general public in order to fund the purchase and distribution of food during the strike effort.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds raised through this effort will be specifically earmarked for the provision and distribution of food as part of our campaign to support the OEA in their contract struggle.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any of these funds not spent by the end of the contract campaign will be turned over from East Bay DSA to the Oakland Education Association’s strike fund.

Following a period of questions and answers, the resolution PASSED by a unanimous vote.


The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.


The following resolutions were voted on by the Steering Committee via email in the interim period between regularly scheduled monthly meetings during the months of October-January.

Proposal to Support the National Day of Rage Against the Nomination of Kavanaugh on October 4

Submitted by Frances R. in coordination with the Socialist Feminist Caucus of East Bay DSA

On October 1, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas socialists support the bodily autonomy of all people

Whereas socialists stand in support of all survivors of sexual assault

Whereas the Supreme Court will adjudicate challenges to Roe v Wade and to other rulings pertaining to women’s rights and civil rights

Whereas the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, an accused sexual predator and avowed conservative, to the Supreme Court would be a disaster for women’s rights, for the advancement of civil rights for all people, and for the rule of law

Whereas East Bay DSA’s Socialist Feminist Caucus is already organizing with a coalition in support of a National Day of Rage against the nomination of Kavanaugh on Thursday, October 4th and calling for a National Walkout at 4pm

Therefore be it resolved East Bay DSA should formally join the coalition organizing a National Day of Rage against the nomination of Kavanaugh on Thursday October 4th and calling for a National Walkout at 4pm

Therefore be it further resolved East Bay DSA will formally sign this letter in support of the action described above

Therefore be it further resolved Representatives from East Bay DSA’s Socialist Feminist Caucus including Maura M. and Rex L.C. will continue to lead the chapter’s organizing in support of this action

Therefore be it further resolved East Bay DSA will coordinate with Maura and Rex around social media and other material support for the action, including but not limited to an art build on Wednesday, October 3rd.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 11 in favor and none against.

Resolution for General Meeting Venue Funding

Submitted by Aaron H.

On October 2, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Be it resolved that the Chapter fund the cost of the venue space at the Omni Commons for the October, November, and December General Meetings for a total cost of $750 (or $250 per meeting occurrence) and fund the cost of the cleaning deposit of $500 required by the venue.

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 8 in favor and none against.

Proposal to Co-host Sharon Smith Event with ISO

Submitted by the Labor Committee and Political Education Committee

On October 11, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas, the Bay Area International Socialist Organization (ISO) is hosting a talk with author and labor activist Sharon Smith on the UC-Berkeley campus on the evening of Thursday, October 25th from 6-9 pm at the Moffitt Library Room 101 (90 person capacity). The proposed format is a 30-minute lecture followed by a moderated discussion with the audience. The ISO has requested that the East Bay DSA co-sponsor this event. In email exchanges with the ISO member organizing the event, co-sponsorship could entail both promotion of the event to our membership as well as DSA-member input and participation in the event itself. (Example: a member of our labor committee might serve as one of the moderators and/or speak about the DSA’s ongoing labor work).    

Whereas, the East Bay DSA is committed to building solidarity in the socialist movement through coalition work with other left organizations when interests coincide and the experience will be valuable for our members.

Whereas, the East Bay DSA is committed to educating our members about the labor movement and its history. The East Bay DSA chapter also benefits from drawing attention to our members ongoing participation in revitalizing the labor movement.

Therefore be it resolved, the East Bay DSA will commit to officially co-sponsoring the Sharon Smith talk with the ISO. Co-sponsoring will entail promotion of the event to the chapter’s membership and DSA member participation (exact roles TBD) in the event itself. The Political Education Committee and Labor Committee will take this on as a joint project and will provide the ISO input on format and content of the event. Importantly, the East Bay DSA will retain the right to withdraw support if it at anytime the organizers determine the event would fall short of building solidarity and providing a valuable educational experience for the membership. 

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 8 in favor and none against.

Resolution to Stand in Solidarity with the UNITE HERE Oakland Marriott Hotel Workers on Strike

Submitted by Aaron H. and Zach M.

On October 29, Zach M. called an email vote for the following resolution.

WHEREAS the Oakland Marriott hotel workers in UNITE HERE Local 2850 are on strike along with nearly 8,000 Marriott workers around the country to fight for better wages, the protection of their healthcare, and job security against automation and subcontracting;

WHEREAS the Oakland Marriott hotel workers in UNITE HERE Local 2850 are on their fourth week of strike in which their resolve, courage, and solidarity is being tested as a result of the prolonged financial hardship inflicted upon them by the company’s continued obstinacy to place its profits in higher importance than the needs, quality of life, and dignity and respect of its workers;

WHEREAS the East Bay DSA Labor Committee has already held strike support events to turnout members of the Chapter to the Oakland Marriott picket line;

WHEREAS UNITE HERE Local 2850 has asked for supporters of the strike to donate money to the strikers’ GoFundMe account, to walk the picket line in solidarity with the workers, and to donate lunch to the picket line;

WHEREAS providing material support such as donations and participation in solidarity actions such as picket lines is a direct, effective way to establish East Bay DSA as a committed and dedicated ally of workers in struggle in the East Bay labor community and help build connections between its members and labor activists;

WHEREAS East Bay DSA understands that a strong, revitalized labor movement is the lynchpin to the flourishing of mass socialist politics;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that East Bay DSA stands in solidarity with the Oakland Marriott hotel workers on strike and shall continue to support the ongoing actions and endeavors of the workers in their fight.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that East Bay DSA shall authorize the use of up to $700 of its funds to provide lunch for a day for the strikers on the picket line and shall commit to turn out its members to attend the picket line for the lunch all to be undertaken and implemented by the Labor Committee.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 10 in favor and none against.

Resolution for an East Bay DSA Demand and Action to Make PG&E Public

Submitted by Keith B. B., Megan S., Frances R., and Jeremy G.

On November 18, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas the profit-driven management of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), our region’s investor-owned energy utility, has created severe disasters for the health and safety of California’s working class,

Whereas corporations exercise enormous control over our political system, and corporate-backed politicians have repeatedly used billions of dollars of public funding to address disasters caused by PG&E, and limited its liability so as to protect the profits of the company’s investors and executives,

Whereas certain progressive liberal and environmental forces in California have considered, as responses to this crisis, both public ownership, and a privatized break-up of PG&E into a “competitive market” of smaller for-profit utilities,

Whereas socialists reject further privatization or market competition as a capitalist exploitation of the crisis they have themselves created,

Whereas public control of PG&E has been fought for by past movements, and could bring together a working-class political movement to fight against corporate polluters and for an ecologically sustainable and socially just society,

Whereas socialists stand for democratic control of the economy, especially essential goods like energy,

Whereas public and worker control of energy utilities would be a critical step to build our movement and increase the capacity for working-class control of all energy companies, including the powerful fossil fuel corporations who must be dismantled to stop catastrophic climate change,

Whereas public and worker control of energy utilities would be a critical step towards a Green New Deal, as described by Jovanka Beckles’ 2018 platform. A Green New Deal is a massive public program of economic transformation and ecological restoration, based on expansion of union jobs and a just transition for workers in existing dirty industries. This program is needed to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as the threshold for extreme climate catastrophe.

Therefore be it resolved:

a) That East Bay DSA issue an official statement on demanding public and worker control of PG&E, and a California Green New Deal.

b) That the agenda for the December 2018 General Membership Meeting will include a “Resolution for an East Bay DSA Campaign to Make PG&E Public”.

c) That preparation for this proposed campaign will have Keith B.B. as its Steering Committee liaison to recruit and assemble interested chapter members, including from the Climate and Environmental Justice Caucus.

d) That this will now be initially designated up to $500 in chapter funds for meeting venue rental and possibly initial propaganda production.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 10 in favor and none opposed.

Resolution to Endorse Howard Zinn Book Fair

Submitted by Jeremy G. and Meagan D.

On November 20, Abigail G-G called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas the Howard Zinn Book Fair is a non-sectarian left event that welcomes a wide variety of political traditions left traditions.

Whereas two East Bay DSA members have been invited to speak on recent electoral upsets, new movements against austerity and reaction, and the growth of socialism.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA endorses the December 2nd, 2018 "Building for Socialism" event at the Howard Zinn Book Fair featuring two East Bay DSA members.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 8 in favor and 1 opposed.

Resolution to Endorse International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Caravan and Exodus from Central America on Sunday, November 25, 2018

Submitted by Regina C., Maura M., and Allie L.

On November 22, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

WHEREAS East Bay DSA's Priorities Resolution states that the chapter’s ”strategic orientation shall be grounded in class struggle and mass action. This means focusing on strategic mass organizing tactics like canvassing [and] mass mobilizations “

WHEREAS East Bay DSA’ priorities resolution states that we shall “develop and expand coalitions with community organizations and labor unions with diverse, working-class memberships,” which includes millions of refugees, immigrants in California and the organizations that represent their interests.

WHEREAS an International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Caravan and Exodus from Central America will take place on Nov 25th, 2018, and has been endorsed by the DSA NPC.

WHEREAS the call to action is being spearheaded by immigrant-led and border justice organizations, many of whom our national and local organizers have been working in coalition with on immigrant rights issues, including San Diego DSA.

WHEREAS a local solidarity action will be taking place on Sunday November 25t in Fruitvale, spearheaded by School of the America’s Watch and Pueblos Sin Fronteras,

WHEREAS the demands of the call to action are in line with DSA's analysis and vision for immigrant rights, as working class people of the world who deserve recognition, rights, and respect.

WHEREAS the call to action’s demand to “recognize the political and social crises throughout Central America as caused by US foreign policy” falls in line with EBDSA’s Priorities Resolution to explain how “U.S. Imperialism militarism, overwhelming military budget, and threats to people at home and worldwide, steal massive resources away from the working class's ability to achieve universal social programs” such as Medicare for All. Therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That East Bay DSA endorses the International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Caravan and Exodus from Central America on Sunday, November 25th, 2018 and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that EBDSA will encourage membership to stand in solidarity with the migrant caravan and attend the Fruitvale Action organized by Pueblo Sin Fronteras on Sunday, November 25th, 2018, or actions with other DSA chapters holding events.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that EBDSA’s participation in the day of action will involve recruitment with bilingual materials for campaigns including but not limited to, Medicare 4 All.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that EBDSA will promote the local event, National’s call for support and perspectives related to the refugee caravan on diverse digital media.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 11 in favor and none opposed.

[SC.2019.1] Resolution to Hold an Organizing Training for Committee/Campaign Leaders

Submitted by Abigail G.-G. and Megan S.

On January 7, Abigail G-G called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas learning how to organize from a socialist perspective is critical to building a strong socialist left and advancing our vision for a socialist future.

Whereas East Bay DSA hasn’t had a formal organizing training in well over 6 months and many organizers and leaders have not received any formal training to hone their organizing skills.

Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee will convene a group of organizers to lead an organizing training on Sunday, January 27th for committee/campaign co-chairs and secretaries and up to 4 additional members per committee/campaign.  

Therefore be it further resolved that the SC will allocate $300 in funds for space rental, food, and materials for the day of the training.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 8 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.2] Resolution to Fund New East Bay DSA Banners

Submitted by Frances R.

On January 7, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas it's critical that socialists have a visible presence at public events, mobilizations, and demonstrations.

Whereas EBDSA's banners are all either old, damaged, or out of date.

Therefore be it resolved the chapter will spend up to $500 to print a new 3 x 12 banner for marching, and a new 3 x 4 banner for tabling.

Therefore be it resolved the Communications committee will be responsible for design and printing.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 9 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.3] Resolution to Change the Date of East Bay DSA’s February General Meeting

Submitted by Abigail G.-G. and Zach M.

On January 10, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas DSA’s Regional Conference is happening in LA the weekend of February 8-9th, the same weekend as East Bay DSA’s February General Meeting.

Whereas it is expected that many active EBDSA organizers and leaders will want to attend the DSA Regional Conference in preparation for our National Convention later this year.

Whereas the Co-Chairs have already checked with the Meetings Committee about the possibility of renting Omni Commons for a week earlier and the space is available.

Therefore be it resolved that the East Bay DSA’s February General Meeting will be moved to the weekend of February 2-3rd.

Therefore be it further resolved that the due date to submit resolutions for the February General Meeting will be January 20th.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 8 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.4] Resolution to Endorse Women’s March Oakland 2019

Submitted by Dom D. and the Socialist Feminist Caucus

On January 10, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas Oakland is host to a major annual political event called the Women’s March Oakland, drawing tens of thousands of people (primarily women) out to the streets to protest inequality with little concrete demands

Whereas this is an opportunity to speak with thousands of social justice oriented women looking to engage in politics that have had little or no exposure to democratic socialism or socialist feminism

Whereas a majority of other socialist organizations will march in San Francisco, and the Socialist Feminist Caucus would like to make EBDSA a large presence at this event to promote the chapter’s campaigns and events

Whereas many of the Women’s March Oakland attendees are parents, family members and even OUSD students themselves, creating critical space to build parent and community support for the OEA Teachers demands and our solidarity campaign

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA endorses the Women’s March Oakland, to be held Saturday, Jan 19, 2019, and will encourage members to turn out with upcoming phone banks, and via the newsletter, calendar, and social media.

Therefore be it further resolved that members of the Socialist Feminist caucus will be reimbursed up to $200 for art supplies and printing costs.

Therefore be it further resolved that the Communications committee, in collaboration with the Socialist Feminist Caucus will be tasked with driving turnout and developing messaging connecting our campaigns, including OEA, Social Housing, and Medicare for All to socialist feminist principles.

Therefore be it further resolved that members of the OEA Solidarity campaign will coordinate with the Socialist Feminist caucus to determine the best upcoming events to promote at the march no later than 2 days before the event (Thursday Jan 16th, 2019)

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 8 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.5] Resolution to Fund January 2019 T-shirt Order

Submitted by Mark G. and Ari M.

On January 15, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas t-shirts are a useful propaganda tool that can draw attention to and publicity for our chapter campaigns

Whereas t-shirts can be used to demonstrate cohesion and help to increase the visibility of socialist contingents at public rallies and generally in daily life

Whereas the East Bay DSA “People Over Profit” t-shirts were very popular and quickly sold out

Whereas the “People Over Profit” slogan is widely applicable to the various campaigns of East Bay DSA

Whereas teachers involved in the preparation for an OEA strike and other labor actions have expressed interest in wearing the “People Over Profit” t-shirts, but have been are unable to purchase one because they are sold out

Whereas Alliance Graphics is a union-run East Bay print shop using union-made apparel, from which East Bay DSA has a long history of ordering from

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA shall allocate up to $800 to place an order for 52 t-shirts with the “People Over Profit” design in various sizes to be printed by Alliance Graphics

The resolution PASSED with a vote of 8 in favor and note against.

[SC.2019.6] Resolution to Fund the New Member Handbook

Submitted by Seth B. and Hannah E.

On January 21, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas, democratic participation in our organization relies on our capacity to inform our members of our internal structures.

Whereas, new members need an easy way to learn about the structure of our chapter.

Whereas, the Member Engagement Committee has updated the New Member Handbook to increase its longevity.

Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee will provide a budget of $420 in order to purchase paper to create 300 New Member Handbooks.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 11 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.7] Steering Committee action on OEA letter

Submitted by Abigail G.-G. and Richard M.

On January 21, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote to add East Bay DSA as co-signers to the following letter.


Mayor Schaaf, President Kaplan and Members of the Oakland City Council

One Frank Ogawa Plaza

Oakland, CA 94612

Re: Resolution In Support of Oakland Public School Teachers and Their Students

Dear Mayor Schaaf, President Kaplan and Members of the Council:

The undersigned community organizations stand in solidarity with Oakland’s public school teachers and students. We ask you to do the same by casting your vote in favor of the resolution submitted by Council President Rebecca Kaplan and Council Members Nikki Bas and Sheng Thao in support of the demands of the Oakland Education Association.

Members of our organizations include Oakland teachers, and hundreds of their students, and the parents of their students, who attend public schools in Oakland’s low-income communities of color. These children are burdened with class sizes as high as 36 students; with inadequate support staff, including only one school nurse for every 3,000 students; and with a teacher retention crisis, as one in five Oakland teachers every year leaves the school district with the lowest starting pay in Alameda County. Shockingly, even Modesto pays its starting teachers more than Oakland USD.

Our teachers have worked without a contract for over a year and a half. Recognizing that their teaching conditions are our students’ learning conditions, they are asking for a contract that will better meet the needs of teachers and students alike—specifically, a contract that guarantees smaller classes, more student support and a living wage for Oakland teachers so they can remain in service to our students and their community.

The attack on public education is an attack on a public good we all depend on; it is an attack on our teachers and the school support staff they depend on; and it is an attack on our children’s right to achieve and contribute to their fullest potential. We thank you in advance for helping turn back these attacks by expressing strong support for our public school teachers, students and parents through this resolution.


Kate O'Hara, Executive Director

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)

Christina Livingston, Executive Director

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)

Susan Schacher

Oakland Tenants’ Union

Vanessa Moses, Executive Director

Causa Justa::Just Cause

Tony Douangviseth, Executive Director

Youth Together

Taryn Ishida, Executive Director

Californians for Justice

Nick Travaglini

Indivisible East Bay

Rev. Dr. Hubert Ivery and The Rev Scott Denman, Co-Chairs


The Rev Ron Culmer and The Rev Molly Haws, Co-Chairs

Genesis of the Tri-Valley

Colin Miller, Coordinator

Oakland Climate Action Coalition

Ernesto Arevalo, Northern California Program Director

Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)

Stephanie Hervey

The Artisan Hub

Jessamyn Sabbag, Executive Director

Oakland Rising

Abigail Gutmann-González, Co-Chair

Democratic Socialists of America, East Bay Chapter (East Bay DSA)

Cc:   La Tonda Simmons, City Clerk

Keith Brown, President, OEA








Mayor Schaaf, President Kaplan and Members of the Oakland City Council:

Please find attached a letter from the 14 organizations listed below, urging a vote in support of the Resolution in support of Oakland public school teachers (File No. 18-1298) introduced by Council President Kaplan and co-sponsored by Council Members Bas and Thao.

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)

Oakland Tenants’ Union

Causa Justa::Just Cause

Youth Together

Californians for Justice

Indivisible East Bay


Genesis of the Tri-Valley

Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)

Oakland Climate Action Coalition

The Artisan Hub

Oakland Rising

Democratic Socialists of America, East Bay Chapter (East Bay DSA)

The resolution to co-sign the letter PASSED by a vote of 11 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.8] Resolution for General Meeting Funding for February and March 2019

Submitted by Joey K., Andy C., and the Meetings Committee

On January 22, Abigail G.-G. called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas the chapter voted to schedule monthly General Monthly Meetings beginning in September 2018,

Whereas talks are ongoing about a change of venue for our General Meetings,

Whereas we do not yet have a date for the annual Convention, and thus cannot yet reserve a venue beyond March,

Therefore be it resolved that the Chapter fund the General Meetings, including booking at the Omni Commons, food, printing and other materials, for February and March 2019, at a total cost of $700.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 9 in favor and none against.

[SC.2019.9] SC Resolution for EBDSA Contribution to PSOL Legislators Visit Expenses

Submitted by Keith B. B.

On January 22, Zach M called an email vote for the following resolution.

Whereas four elected federal congressional representatives and movement leaders from Brazil's Party of Socialism and Liberation will be visiting the East Bay from January 25 to 28;

Whereas these leaders will be conducting a talk organized by East Bay DSA in conversation with members and Oakland teachers on January 26;

Whereas this visit provides an unprecedented opportunity to learn directly from the mass movement-building experience and political vision of one of the world's most popular movements for democratic socialism;

Whereas the fundraising for travel expenses has been largely covered through UC Berkeley academic sources, yet faces a shortfall of $400 for food, translation services, and local travel expenses to cover their stay;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will raise funds from participants at the January 26 meeting to cover the travel expenses shortfall for the visiting PSOL leaders;

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will donate up to $400 from chapter funds to provide for these travel expenses, subtracting any funds raised from members.

The resolution PASSED by a vote of 10 in favor and none against.