Steering Committee Meeting: September 20th, 2020

East Bay DSA 

Steering Committee Meeting

September 20 2020 

10-1 pm  

Zoom link

At the meeting present were Allie. L Matt S., Will S., Rex L.C., Lindsey M., AJ A., Benny Z, Luci R, Katie F., Annika B., Luke T., Miguel B., Carlos. O. There was seven additional members in attendance.

The meeting was chaired by Allie L., Matt S., and Will S. The recording secretary was present and taking notes. 

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am.

Approval of Agenda 

Approved by affirmation

Political Discussion: 

“What should East Bay DSA do for the outcome of the 2020 election and around Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death/open SCOTUS seat?”

Reading: National Political Committee Strategy document (sent via email)

  • Allie led off discussion on the above readings
  • Actionable items: Create a subgroup for short and long term planning through Nov.2, and create a short sheet to give to coalition partners.

  1. Committee Reports [3 minutes]
  2. Finance 
  • About $18,000 in the bank, but a lot of upcoming expenditures about $11,600 by end of october
  1. Recording Secretary’s Report
  • Resolution to Use New Voting Tool and Amend Convention Rules (10 yes, 3 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Fund Palmcards for School Board candidates, Measure QQ, and Prop15 (10 yes votes, 3 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Sponsor BLM Candidates Town Hall on 9/12 (10 yes, 3 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Sign onto Call for Equity Investments in East Bay Community Energy (11 yes, 2 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Publish Statement on CA Wildfires and a Green New Deal (10 yes votes, 3 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Fund Airtable for the Labor Census (12 yes votes, 1 did not vote)
  • Resolution to Recommend Jovanka Beckles and Carroll Fife Applications for National Endorsement (9 yes, 2 abstentions, 2 did not vote)

Will is now chairing the meeting


Resolution to Support the SEIU 1021 Healthcare Workers Strike Relief Fund

Submitted by Luke T., Lindsey M., Molly S., Annika B., Luci R., Allie L.

Whereas, the ‘Our Communities, Our Health’ campaign to support workers at AHS is a priority of East Bay DSA.

Whereas, healthcare workers at AHS are preparing to go on strike to win the hospitals and clinics Oakland patients deserve.

Whereas, healthcare workers at AHS have set up a relief fund for members who may be unable to pay rent, buy groceries, get healthcare, or meet other basic needs due to lost income in the event of a strike.

Whereas, East Bay DSA can show our solidarity with striking workers by providing mutual aid in the form of donating to strike funds.

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA shall make a $500 donation to the SIEU 1021 Healthcare Workers Strike Relief Fund:

Resolution to Appoint Chris A. as Co-Chair of Social Housing Committee

Kelsey W. & Isaac H.

Whereas Isaac H. has completed a term as Co-Chair of East Bay DSA’s Social Housing Committee and is not seeking re-election,

Whereas Chris A. was elected by voting members of the Committee to fill the vacancy and serve as the next Co-Chair of the Committee,

Whereas Chris A. has shown promise as a leader by running the tenant intake process taken up during the coronavirus pandemic,

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA appoint Chris A. as Co-Chair of the Social Housing Committee for a term of one year, beginning September 17th, 2020.

Consent calendar passed unanimously 


Resolution to Hold a Mass Meeting Post-Election 

Submitted by Allie L., Matt S. and Will S.

Whereas our role in the campaign and the number of local coalition partners who we’re close to, we should cohere these groups and volunteers on a local level;

Whereas regardless of the outcome of the General Election, DSA will likely get a membership bump similar to after Bernie and Trump in 2016, AOC in 2018 and Bernie dropping out in 2020;

Therefore be it resolved that EBDSA will reach out to coalition partners — especially those who support Sanders but also those who have not formally endorsed — about holding a mass meeting in Oakland in November of 2020 generate enthusiasm and grow our activist base among the multi-racial working-class, as well as strengthen the ties between local unions and left-wing movements around Sanders’ radical agenda;

Therefore be it further resolved this meeting will also serve as an introduction to democratic socialism as well as act as a conduit for working-class people who we’ve talked to on our campaigns to get involved in local struggles associated with the unions and movement organizations represented at the event;

Therefore be it further resolved that Allie L., Matt S. and Will S. shall cohere a team to organize the meeting, create a program, and reach out to unions and other organizations that supported Sanders and/or major parts of his agenda‍, including: OEA, ATU 192, UPTE, AFSCME 3299, NUHW, NNU, ILWU (especially the Tartine Union), UNITE HERE 2850 and Local 21, Sunrise, ACCE, Our Revolution among others at the discretion of the organizers;

Therefore be it further resolved that the Steering Committee shall designate up to $300 for promotional needs;

Therefore be it further resolved we will do outreach to the public, press and through social media and our lists.

Will S. motivated the proposal

The resolution moved to Q&A

  • This would ostensibly replace our October general meeting
  • Statewide response would be necessary 

The resolution moved to debate.

The question was called, the resolution passed with 12 yes and one no vote

Resolution for East Bay DSA to adopt Spoke for textbanking

Allie L

Whereas outreach is critical for the 2020 election, 

Whereas textbanking is an effective and efficient tool for outreach to members and voters, 

Whereas Spoke is $.01 per incoming and outgoing message, 

Therefore be it resolved that East Bay DSA will spend up to $1,000 a month to send and receive 100,000 SMS messages for the purpose of event recruitment and voter reach, 

Therefore be it further resolved that Allie L will set up and administer Spoke, with future assistance to be determined and appointed by the SC via email vote.  

Therefore be it further resolved that the Electoral Chairs and administrators will determine prioritization of this resource, 

Therefore be it further resolved that the Steering Committee will reflect upon the effectiveness of Spoke and revisit the budget for Spoke in December. 

Allie motivated the resolution.

There were no arguments against, so the question was called, and the resolution passed with 12 yes votes and one who did not vote.

Resolution to Continue Funding for Green New Deal Mutual Aid

Authored by: Max M

Co-signers: Joseph F, Nick L, Nick M, Lucas M, Hillary C

Resolution Date: September 16, 2020 

Resolution Expiration: January 1, 2021

Whereas excessive air pollution due to wildfire season is expected to be ongoing;

Whereas the Green New Deal Committee has put on 2 successful mask building sessions, and 1 canvassing session;

Whereas 23 people attended the first build and the project has attracted and engaged new members;

Whereas community responded warmly to both material support and Green New Deal canvassing;

Whereas EBDSA for Carroll Fife has requested material support in the form of masks;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Wildfire Mutual aid project will receive $500 for materials and tools including 5 staplers, 1 table, and filter and elastic material for an additional 350 masks

Max M. motivated the resolution

Lindsey M proposed an amendment

The amendment failed 6-5

The resolution passes 6-5

Allie L. is now chairing the meeting

Resolution for a Direct Action Training Series

Submitted by: Kaela S-H., Molly S., Emma E., Maura M., Jess B., Neder G-S.

Whereas, the Steering Committee has formed a Direct Action Working Group (DAWG) for the purpose of building the chapter’s capacity to carry out direct action,

Whereas, this year has seen an extraordinary increase in direct actions because of the George Floyd Uprisings, and more direct actions are likely as evictions begin and in the aftermath of the November presidential election,

Whereas, the DSA NPC November 2020 Political Analysis & Strategy calls on chapters to be prepared for a variety of outcomes in the November election by assessing their capacity to “engage in direct action,” and for Direct Action working groups to “commit to trainings on direct action and safe mobilizations,”

Whereas, at the 2020 convention, EBDSA voted to prioritize centering mass movements, which involve a range of types of direct action,

Whereas, the DAWG has been tasked with organizing trainings to develop skills and strategy for future direct action,

Whereas, the local organization called Frailty Myths designs and leads specialized direct action trainings led by women and non-binary folks, and there has not been substantial capacity within our chapter for members with significant direct action experience to create such a training from scratch,

Whereas, working with Frailty Myths would allow DAWG to begin institutionalizing knowledge and systems for direct action in our chapter by training a cohort of new trainers within DSA and developing our own training curriculum and slide deck (to be housed in the DAWG google folder and made available to all future trainers),

Whereas, this knowledge will be further institutionalized by follow-up trainings (3 within the month after the Frailty Myths training) hosted by DAWG, and at least 10 people who attend the Frailty Myths training committing to holding additional trainings in the coming year,

Whereas, SF DSA and Sunrise Movement Bay Area want to co-host Direct Action trainings with our chapter and build connections between our groups to facilitate future join-led actions,

Therefore be it resolved, the Steering Committee shall commit a budget of $667 to donate to Frailty Myths in recognition of their work to design and lead 2 online direct action trainings including: Intro to Direct Action, and Planning Strategic Direct Actions + Training for Trainers (Total cost for trainings is $2000 divided 3 ways between SF DSA, Sunrise, and us).

Therefore be it further resolved, the DAWG will be responsible for the logistics of, and

outreach for, the training series, including

● Coordination with DSA SF, Sunrise and Frailty Myths

● E-blast, social media, and phone banking promotion for the trainings

● Create a training curriculum and slide deck for future use within the chapter

● Organizing three subsequent trainings for the broader chapters within one month of the FM training

Kaela S-H motivated the resolution

The question was called, and the resolution passed 12-0

Resolution to Provide Cross Chapter Solidarity Support to the Lake Charles/Lafayette DSA Chapter

Submitted by: AJ A., Katie Ferrari, Benny Z


Whereas, Hurricane Laura is a category 4 hurricane that is the strongest hurricane recorded to hit landfall in Louisiana leading to a state of emergency to be declared, and has hit the area of Lake Charles the worst, resulting in extended and ongoing power outages, damaged homes and displacement,


Whereas, the intensification of capital driven climate change is illustrated in Hurricane Laura’s escalation to relatively benign to a category 4 hurricane


Whereas, on August 27th, the local DSA chapter of the Lake Charles area put out a call for help and mutual aid due to the devastating effects of Hurricane Laura making windfall,


Whereas, sanitizer is one of the major asks from the chapter, of which our chapter has the ability and capacity to provide in the bulk amounts necessary to keep people on the ground there safe,


Whereas, other hygiene products (soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, menstrual products) and masks can be acquired to send as well,


Whereas, as socialists we are for the many, not the few, and in the spirit of solidarity we respond to calls for action from our comrades,


Whereas, as larger chapter of DSA, we are in a position to provide mutual aid to our comrades who have been adversely impacted, and will continue to feel the devastating effects of Hurricane Laura in the ensuing months,


Therefore be it resolved that the Steering Committee approve a $750 budget allocation to provide for the cost of sending sanitizer, masks, and hygiene products to the Lake Charles/Lafayette Chapter.

AJ A motivated the resolution

Will S submitted an amendment to the resolution funding to $250

There was a short period of debate, the vote was tied 6-6 (yes- Miguel B., Lindsey M., Matt. S, Will S., Annika B., Luke T.; No- AJ A., Rex L.C., Katie F., Carlos O., Luci R., 

Molly S provided an update on SEIU 

We moved to a debrief on convention

  • Convention was smooth, but as a chapter need to figure out how we’re going to actually going to get the work done
  • Going to have to reevaluate after Nov 2nd
  • Troubleshoot the voting tool for use in advance
  • Speakers on resolutions should have tangible plan on how to execute.
  • As a chapter what is the long term plan and what are we working towards
  • Same people are speaking up, how do we get members who are not as outspoken to speak up during our meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 1p