Candidate Statement: Lindsey M. - Treasurer

I’m running for Treasurer on the Bread & Roses slate to ensure that our chapter and its campaigns have the resources and funding they need in a time of uncertainty but also unprecedented opportunity for the expansion of class consciousness, rank-and-file worker militancy, and fights against austerity and oppression.

The past year has shown just how much we can grow and accomplish as a group of dedicated comrades working selflessly towards the project of building a socialist movement. DSA gained invaluable experience, as well as many new organizers and activists, through the DSA for Bernie campaign — and in the coming year we must work to bring what we have learned and who we have reached further into the broader struggle for socialism.

I joined DSA last year after a long period of political frustration, and found my political home. My involvement with our chapter began with designing a flyer for a Bernie canvass, and quickly led to organizing phone banks, developing new organizers within our canvass planning team, and helping put on the biggest canvasses in East Bay DSA history.

I’m proud to have developed and managed our Bernie campaign’s data infrastructure, which was key to reaching as much of the Bay Area’s multiracial working class as possible. The combination of on-the-ground organizing and running digital operations during this campaign gave me a multifaceted understanding of how well-designed and maintained systems benefit socialists in our battles with the capitalist class.

I’m currently Co-Chair of the 2020 Committee and a member of the Design Working Group and Operations Committee. My experiences working alongside comrades over the last year have been some of the brightest, most challenging and rewarding moments of my life, and to serve the chapter as Treasurer would be an honor and privilege.