Announcing the EBDSA 2020 Convention

September 13, 2020

The convention is the highest decision-making body of the chapter, where we discuss and reflect upon our work and organizing, debate priorities and platform for the future and ratify our annual Priorities ResolutionIf you want to influence or provide your opinion on what you think the chapter should focus on, prioritize, or otherwise organize for, you don’t want to miss it!

This year is a little different than previous years though:

  1. Because of COVID-19, we'll be holding our convention digitally
  2. Normally we have our Steering Committee elections during the convention, but they have already happened
  3. We're using a new, more participatory process to choose our priorities (more on that below)


How Will the Convention Work?

Similar to our General Meetings, we will have structured debate and voting. All members of East Bay DSA are welcome to join and vote (double check your membership at

The final agenda for the convention will be available in the upcoming weeks.


How Will Priorities Be Determined?

Over a month-long span, committees, leaders, and members like you will draft short priority proposals around a single issue and/or campaign, gather signatures from membership in support, and bring them to the convention floor for debate. The purpose of these proposals is to outline political positions and concrete tasks that will guide our chapter’s work for the coming year. You can read about the whole process on our website soon!

Once the priority proposals are final, we will send them out along with a poll to members to agendize them in order of support. Most things will go on the consent calendar while contentious things will come to the convention floor.

Once we have heard and debated all of the proposals, we will vote them each up or down and those that were adopted, in addition to the consent calendar and the political preamble, will be our new priorities resolution.


Email ASAP with any accessibility needs so we can begin to arrange accommodations. 

Other questions about the convention? Reach out with questions at