Chairs' Statement for Full Inclusion of People of All Sex and Gender Identities in DSA

East Bay DSA is committed to welcoming and including the whole, diverse working class in our organization. To that end, we expect that all members allow every person to define their own gender and sex identity for themselves. 

The chapter chairs were deeply disappointed to see a recently appointed co-chair of our chapter's Political Education Committee post on his personal social media with opinions that violated this principle and which justified exclusions based on his perceptions of the sex identity of others. This member had not been an elected or appointed committee leader previously, and his opinions on this topic were not known to members of our Steering Committee until this social media post. 

The chairs met with the member at the first possible time, and the member was not willing to change his opinion or publicly apologize. The chairs then asked for this member's immediate resignation from his committee co-chair position, to no objection. As of now, he is no longer an appointed leader in the chapter. 

In addition, the chairs were very concerned that this member, following his post, received a grave threat via an anonymous email. In our democratic socialist movement and beyond, threats are not an acceptable tactic against any person. 

We are proud of the ongoing work our chapter members do to create a safe grievance resolution process and a welcoming, democratic political environment. This experience underlines the importance for all members—especially appointed or elected chapter leaders—to do our best to stand for the inclusive, just values of our socialist movement wherever we go. 


Abigail G.G, Hannah E., and Keith B.B.

East Bay DSA Chairs